"She has but you all are not worth.."

"Stop Lauren." I stopped her from speaking any further.

"They're right, you don't have to speak for me." I stood up and faced the women who were trying to mess with me for no reason.

"As Lauren told you, Mr. Knight asked me to accompany him and I'm going there as his P.A because it's a work-related trip. So, don't assume anything on your own." I said confidently. Their face turned sour and they glared at me.

"You'll not be spared for talking to us like that. Do you think you can seduce Mr. Knight by acting all innocent and shy? By acting like you can do any work? Mark my words, Ariana, one mistake and you'll be out of this company." Bianca snapped, gritting her teeth.

"Mistakes are bound to happen and I try my best not to make any. But if it happens I believe in correcting them. And Mr. Knight believes in giving second chances, didn't he give second chance to two of you?" I replied calmly. Lauren, who was sitting on chair clapped excitedly.

"How dare you?" Diana charged towards me but Bianca stopped her.

"Calm down Diana. I'll see how many second chances he'll give to her." Bianca smirked. Saying that they left the cafeteria.

"What was that?" I mumbled.

"Don't bother, sit, and finish your lunch." Mrs. Miller said.

After lunch, I went to Sean's office to make him see the documents. When Sean made sure that all the documents were complete, I sealed the folder so that I wouldn't lose any single paper. I went to my office to collect my things. Finn was waiting for me in the parking lot. I grabbed all my belongings and exited my office. But as soon as I stepped outside I bumped into someone, all the things in my hands fell on the floor, including the folder which had documents in it.

"Don't you have eyes? See, because of you all papers fell on the floor." Not again! It's Bianca.

Instead of replying, I bent down and helped her pick up the papers. I compiled them and stood up and handed the papers back to her. She handed me my belongings and the folder. Strange.

"Thank you," I said.

"It's okay. Next time, better watch." Saying that she went away.

I gaped at her disappearing figure. That's it? She didn't say anything else? I shrugged my shoulders thinking she must be in a hurry otherwise she would have argued with me.

I went home and packed my clothes. I didn't pack much as it was just a one-day work-trip. I placed my laptop and folder in my handbag. Then I wore loose jeans, a t-shirt, a jacket, and wore my sneakers. When Xavier came he changed his clothes then we headed to the airport.


Considering that I was with Xavier, I thought we would be flying in business class. But here I was standing in his private jet and I was completely awestruck by the interior. In off-white and brown colors, it looked like a luxury room of some luxury hotel.

All the female flight attendants were looking like runway models in a knee-length navy blue dress. Not bothering about their questioning looks, I greeted each of them.

"Where's Sean?" I asked Xavier.

"He had some work to do. He'll take a flight an hour late." He replied. We could have waited 1 more hour, it would have saved resources.

I nodded my head and placing my handbag in the upper cabinet, I sat across Xavier. But he made me sit beside him. The plane took off in the air sharp at seven. After flying for ten minutes in the air Xavier called a flight attendant for ordering dinner.

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