Part 3

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I turn to look at Ei but he's just softly smiling at me, he rubs the back of his hand against my cheek. "Katsuki, you love him. I've been able to tell since you first told me about him, it was quite obvious and still is. Why don't you go home today, I can take care of patrol, ok?

"But... what if he comes back? And can you handle things on your own?"

"I'll be fine and he probably won't, just go home and think things over. It's what is best for you right now, I might come over later."

"Ok, stay safe Ei. See you later."

I enter my apartment, I take my time taking my shoes off. I go to my room and change out of my hero costume and get into comfier clothing, which was my skull shirt and sweatpants, the usual for me. I leave my room and go into the kitchen, I grab a bag of spicy chips.

I start walking towards my office, I stop before opening the door. I don't quite understand why I'm hesitating before opening the door, I go in here every day. I take in a deep breath and grab the doorknob, I hesitate once again. After another deep breath, I open the door and walk over to my desk.

I place my chips on the desk, I grab a post-it note. I grab a bold green pen out of a jar and take the cap off, I write 'FOUND' on it. I lean over my desk to place it on a picture of 3-year-old Izuku, I then sit back down in my chair. "I've found you after all this time and you are the Sharp Shooter," I tell myself while looking at his photo.

On my wall above my desk, I have a picture of Izuku in the centre and newspapers surrounding it. A red string goes from each newspaper and ends at Izuku's photo. On the wall to my right is an entire map of the city, I have multicolour pins all over the city for different villains. But the green pin is designated for Izuku, I have them all over the place for where I thought a person was Izuku. But now I put another one on the map, where I have officially found Izuku.

After putting the new pin in I sit back down in my chair, I open my bag of chips and start munching on them. "I made this whole thing for Izuku," I say while looking at the wall in front of me. "Is it pointless now? I have finally found him, what is this for now? Should I stop him from being a villain or listen to what Ei said and let him do what he wants? But if I do that, I won't be able to live with myself like that."

I hear loud footsteps and a door slam nearby, I bet it's my new neighbour. I hear more thumping in their apartment, I felt like introducing myself today but I might wait. They seem to be in a bad mood and I don't want to make it worse.

Izuku POV
I run to my apartment and slam the door shut, I aggressively take my shoes off. I go into one of my rooms which I use for gun storage. I take my gun out of its case and place it next to the other sniper rifles. I have a whole assortment of guns in this room, all used for different scenarios. I also have knives, swords, nunchucks, and tasers for close battles.

I storm off to my bedroom, I collapse on my bed and drag my phone out of my pocket. I dial Tani's number, I silently wait for him to pick up. It doesn't take him too long to answer, "What is it, Midoriya?" he asks.

"Uh... well," I try to speak.

"Did you put an end to Red Riot as I asked?"

"About that, there was a situation that I, uh... couldn't get out of."

"Look, I'll give you one more chance. If you still can't kill him, you better sleep with both eyes open. If you blink you might open your eyes to a blood screen."

He hangs up. I groan and grab one of my pillows, I plant my face in the pillow and groan again. The day took a turn for the worst, I was just going to do my mission like always. But meeting Kacchan... after all this time, it's too much to handle. He's a hero and I'm... I'm a villain, right?

I am known as a villain but do I classify myself as a villain? I have killed people, more people then I have ever expected. I should realize now that I am a villain but why is there a feeling in my gut that's telling me I'm not. My mom always said to listen to my gut, is this one of those times?

My thoughts (well more like sleep) gets interrupted by someone knocking on my door. I spring up from my bed and look at my clock, it flashes 5:15 pm on it. I sigh and stand up, I walk over to my door and open it to bright red hair.

This man before me has a spiky smile that almost blinds me. He has bright red hair that reached around his shoulders, he has red eyes like Kacchans but more gentle. A scar that runs down right eye, "Hello! I'm Eijirou Kirishima, I'm the boyfriend of your neighbour," he says while pointing to the door on my right.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Izuku Midoriya," I tell him. "Why isn't my actual neighbour introducing himself?"

"He... uh, isn't very fond of people."

"Oh, should I introduce myself first?"

"No! No, no, no. That's not necessary, he'll... come around. Just give him... time, he tends to be like this around... anyone he meets for the first time."

"Ah, alright. Thank you, I hope to see you around."

"You as well."

I wave him goodbye as I close the door, I walk over to my kitchen and lean against the counter. He was a different character, he seemed very wary about something. Was I intimidating? I don't tend to give that vibe off at the first meeting, was it something I said? He did seem familiar, does he know me and I just don't know him?

I just want to say that the picture used for this part is Izuku's casual look when he leaves his house. But when he's on a mission he tends to have the classic villain Deku look, with the vest and stuff. You know this one:

 You know this one:

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Word Count: 1142

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