[part 6]

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Alycia POV

Alycia: What are you have done?

Minhyuk: Uhm.. I'm... Spying Monsta X.

Alycia: For?

Minhyuk: Knowing more about them.

Alycia: With hacking their CCTV?

Minhyuk: I'm hacking their system and CCTV with a reason. Why you being this serious?

Alycia: You're doing something stupid that might hurting yourself!

Minhyuk: Then you want to blame me it was my fault you and me gotta hurt?!

Alycia: No! But no need to spying them, Hyuk!

Minhyuk: You don't understand so just shut up!!

Minhyuk scold to you make you jump a little.

Wooshin: Its my fault you guys gotta killed.

You turn your head to see Wooshin step in to the room.

Wooshin: The night before you know everything about Kihyun the pervert, you and Minhyuk comes to my Cybercafe. Minhyuk ask me to hacking their system and CCTV for knowing their plan to making war with Up10tion. Its the name of our mafia team. Minhyuk not our members, but he join us only for our strengh to fight with Monsta X and BTS. BTS is their partner business who very greet about fight. They very strong and Monsta X have a contract with them for make their team more stronger. BTS accept it because Monsta X is the most rich young mafia in Korea.

You try to catch everything what just Wooshin explain to you. So thats mean Monsta X just knowing that Minhyuk hacking their system and try to kill Minhyuk?

Wooshin: The second reason Minhyuk want to spy is he don't want Monsta X or BTS comes and attack us when you where here. He don't want they hurting you. But everything we can't handle. Everything we can't expect. Its FATE. They knowing and attack us without we knowing about it.

Wooshin sigh while looking straight to Minhyuk.

Wooshin: I'm sorry, bro. I was careless letting them know you're who hacking them. Sorry.

Minhyuk: No need to say sorry. Its not your fault.

Wooshin nodded and turn around want to went out from the room but he turn around back to see you.

Wooshin: Don't blame him. You should to thanked him protecting you. He might die now cause losing too much blood only for saving you.

He turn around and walk out from the room. Your lips dry. Speechless. You look at Minhyuk, he try not to see your eyes.

Alycia: Hyuk, I'm sor-...

Minhyuk: Its okay.

He turn his head away from you. Seriously you just wanna beat yourself. 'You should not just scolding him Alice... ughh.. Stupid myself!'

You lying down on the bed and come closer to Minhyuk. You leaned your head on his shoulder as your pillow.

Alycia: Sorry... (*in cute tone)

Minhyuk sigh and turn his head to meet your eyes with his.

Minhyuk: How can I hide my smile behind my anger if I'm with this angel?

You chuckle as hug his waist slowly worried if it might hurting him.

Alycia: You're mad?

Minhyuk shaking his head means no. He smile to you. You swear if Minhyuk smile more wide your heart not only doing back flip 28472 times but 1928382963748 times. Lol.

Love And Revenge [Monsta X Minhyuk ff]✔Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant