Electrical Creature

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Sargents POV

I woke up to the sounds of birds talking in the trees. I looked down to see flame still sound asleep. I stood up looking over a ledge, it was more than just a ledge it was the entrance to a canyon. It had a long river that ran through it all the way down. Looking at the sun rise over the mountains was a feeling of relief, all the guilt lifted off my shoulders. I turned around seeing the long road to the lab. I hated that road the road to death is what my mother would call it. I was taken out of my mind of thought to the sound of a high pitched shock noise, the sound of lightning smashing against the ground. I looked up at the sky no dark clouds or thunder in sight. I was confused for a moment, Once again the noise had echoed through my head. I caught a glance of where the shock had came from it was down a path with gate doors. I ran towards the path waiting to see what laid on the other side.

Flames POV

I woke up to the sight of seeing Sargent run done a path with tall black gates, right away I knew something was wrong. My body jumped to the sound of lighting, the noise sent a wave of chills down through my back. I stood up and started walking until a sharp pain came into my leg, I looked down to see my leg wrapped in old bandages the doctors had given to me. The old bandages had started to unwrap themselves, I couldn't remember what happened to my leg because the doctors had used gas to make me sleep so I wouldn't feel the pain that bad. I sat back down and looked around for things I could use to help my leg. I picked up a few Colocasia leaves (Elephant Ear leaves) and started wrapping them around my leg and I tried to tie the old bandage around them so they would stayed in place. "It will work for now" I said to myself as I started limping towards the black gates wondering what waits on the other side.....

Sargents POV

The path led to a garden like place, the plants had overgrown over the old green house that fell long ago. I walked past a few broken walls that led to a tiny open field that had spilled plants throughout it. All of a sudden a giant crash of electricity surrounded the ground it didn't go far as if it was weak. I tried to walk closer but the shock waves of the electric bolts had kept me from doing so. I walked down a broken down hallway leading to the other side of the tiny field. I saw a creature slowly moving around as if it were suffering from something. It had a grey top layer of fur and it's bottom layer had been white. I could only see its back so I didn't get to see what it was. I tried walking up behind it quickly and quietly but I knew that was a death wish. I tried walking around it to see its face but electricity shot from its body in every direction. The tiny grey creature looked very small from what I saw but the dust from the ground had filled the air so it was hard to see anything. I was observing the creature by circling it slowly without it noticing, it's body turned a slight bit pointing at me I hid behind a close wall before it could see me. I stood behind the wall until I heard a voice it was flame's he sounded confused.

Flames POV

I had heard the electric noises come from this small garden. I saw nothing but a small field with dust circling the air. "Hello? I'm not here to hurt whatever is in here, I'm hurt to actually" I called out. Nothing answered.

Sargents POV

It was quiet until I heard flames voice call out "hello? I'm not here to hurt whatever is in here, I'm hurt to actually" is what I heard him say. I was worried because he didn't know what electrical creature laid within inches of him. I wanted to say something but I could get electrocuted easily.

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