Heart Monitor

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Flames POV

I opened my eyes and all I saw was a white light that hung over my head. All I heard was the beeping of monitors checking my heart rate it was silent, no movement. I looked around to see if anybody was in the room with me, no one was there but me. I sat for what seemed hours, then I heard a door open I couldn't turn my head to see who had stepped in because of all the wires. I heard shuffling of papers and files. I closed my eyes to act Like I was still asleep. More likely the person who had walked in was a doctor coming to check on how I was holding up. But I didn't hear footsteps all I heard was pattering of some type of animal walking around. I realized it wasn't a person after awhile. Then something jumped up onto my hospital bed. I tried to peek open my eyes without it noticing. I felt something start sniffing my leg, I peaked open my eyes to find a big black dog standing over me. He realized I was awake he seemed nice but I wasn't to sure if I should trust him or not. "Oh, hi I'm Sargent" he spoke out with a deep tone. I stared into his big grey eyes. "O-oh hi.. Sargent I'm flamethrower, flame for short" he looked up at my heart monitor which seemed to be beeping faster and faster as the moment pasts, he looked at the monitor then me. "Uh kid is your monitor messed up or is that normal?" Said Sargent while unplugging the monitor. I just stared at him like he was crazy. "Well?" He said looking at me. "OH well- uhm yeah it's normal.." Sargent jumped off my hospital bed and starting heading towards the door he looked back up at me. "Well, you coming or what?" I was confused for the longest moment I was questioning everything like 'where is Sargent wanting me to go' or 'where are all the doctors I needed answers' Sargent then broke my mind of thought asking me if I'm going in a deeper tone. I didn't want to get on Sargent's bad side so I hopped off my hospital bed and starting walked behind him. Sargent jumped up and grabbed the door handle with his teeth making the door open. He jumped down and held the door open with his body, I walked past him and saw the empty hallways not a doctor in sight. Sargent started walking down one of the hallways he looked back at me like he wanted me to follow him. I looked back at my room thinking was this the last time I was going to see it ever again. I heard Sargent whistle as if he was waiting, I looked down the hallway with Sargent sitting at the end of it. "Come on  kid we ain't got all day now" he yelled across the hall. I started walking towards him knowing this might be the last time I ever see this hospital again.

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