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Flames POV

It had been minutes since I've said a word to Sargent, I just stayed quiet walking behind him. As we were making our way down the hall I saw many other rooms but they were all empty it's like the place had been abandoned but just hours ago doctors, nurses and other animals like me roamed the halls. I looked at the different rooms that lined the hallway, Empty every room. I caught up to Sargent, "so Sargent where did all the other patients go and all the doctors?" He looked up at me like I had asked him a dumb question. "Do you not remember?" Said Sargent looking at me like I'm a fool. " Sargent stopped in-front of one of the rooms and pulled a document off the wall. "Here read this" he said holding out the document to me. I read the document it said the patient had been deceased. I looked up at Sargent confused, "so what, numerous patients died every day." "Yeah but read how many animals died that day before him" said Sargent pointing down at the patients tag. I scanned the paper looking for the number of animals that died the same day he did. "Reed was the 596th patient to die on October 23rd 2076" I read aloud. I handed the document back to Sargent. "see what I mean?" Said Sargent while putting the document back. I sat down confused, how did that many patients die. How did I not know? I started walking towards a big metal door with tiny glass windows. I jumped up pushing the doors open. It was another empty hallway, no doctors no nurses no patiences. As I started walking deeper into the hallway I suddenly reached a foul smell. I called Sargent over to see if he could help me make out where the smell was coming from. Sargent walked into a room across from the room I was heading in. I searched high and low. "FLAME GET OVER HERE NOW" screamed Sargent, as I ran out of the room I was in, I could still hear Sargents voice echoing through the halls. I ran into the room Sargent was in. I could tell something was up because the smell was strongest in here. I walked into the bathroom section of the room. "Flame look." Sargent said pointing at a man. From what I saw I knew he had to be dead he had scars and tears down his back and his arms. Sargent turned him over onto his back, the guy had big claw marks down his face. He was drenched in blood his clothes once white now dark red. I cleaned off his name tag and I knew right away who this guy was. This guy was the last doctor who checked on me. His name was Jayden, he was the nicest doctor out of them all. He always stayed with me, he cared for me. He would tell me stories about other patients and jokes other doctors have told him. I walked out of the bathroom with my head hanging low. "Flame you ok?" Said Sargent walking up beside me. "Yeah, I'm fine it's just I knew that guy and all" Sargent looked at me with sad eyes and then looked away fast. "I- never-mind the time has passed." I looked up at Sargent, he was looking away like he had something to say. "Sargent you know you can tell me anything right?" Sargent looked up at me with a smile. "Well I'll tell you the story later, plus we need to find a way out of here before "it" finds us." I looked up at Sargent confused and with a bit of worry. "Beat you to the end of this hallway" Said Sargent smiling widely. "Ok your on" I said smiling a fake smile. He started speeding up and I started slowing down. 'What did Sargent mean by "it"?" My mind of thought was broken by Sargent yelling my name at the end of the hallway. "Well maybe he was just playing around" I sped away towards Sargent into another hallway hoping he was just joking...

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