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I went up to bed early and turned the lights out, hoping that would lead everyone to believe me asleep already. It seemed like ages before Mrs. Masen finally came up the stairs for bed. Her husband and son had passed my bedroom door nearly an hour ago, but she seemed to have endless stores of energy.

Finally, the light in the hallway went out and I heard the close of a door down the hall. I waited, impatiently, another half hour to be sure she would be asleep. Then, I crept as quickly and stealthily as possible down the stairs. This was such a bad idea. I had only been here a day and they trusted me enough to get into their house and I betrayed it at night.

I paused in the foyer, listening for any following footsteps. My eyes landed on the table, where today's newspaper lay, discarded. I reached for it, curious to see the date. I still had no idea when, exactly, it was.

July 19, 1918. I swallowed and glanced over the stories. News about the war. From the tone of the article, it seemed like the war was turning in our favor by now. Czar Nicholas II had been killed days ago. I shook my head, marveling at what I was seeing. How could I be living in this era?

"What are you doing up?" a soft voice asked, startling me into dropping the paper. I whirled around and met Edward's suspicious eyes.

"I couldn't sleep," I lied. He smirked.

"I went into your room. Your bed is made, and you're still dressed. It doesn't look like you ever tried to sleep."

"I made my bed and put my clothes on when I got back up," I tried, but he rolled his eyes at me.

"Tell me the truth, Bella. Where are you going?"

"The hospital," I sighed, defeated.

He stepped closer, making my heart flutter nervously. I took a step back to intimidated by him and reached the edge of the table. "Why?" he demanded.

"I need to speak to someone who works there."

His eyes roamed my face appraisingly. "Are you ill, Isabella?"

I shook my head. "No, of course not. The person I need to speak with just happens to be a doctor, but that doesn't have anything to do with my reasoning..."

Edward tilted his head, taking another step forward, trapping me between him and the table. "Is it him? Jacob?"

I almost laughed. I'd given him reason to be jealous of Jacob in this time, too. Good one, Bella. "No, I don't even know where he is right now." It was the truth.

"Who are you going to see, then?" His eyes kept me locked in place.

"An old family friend." Never mind that old referred more to his actual age than his status as a family friend... "He might be able to help me."

Edward's face relaxed slightly, but he didn't move away. "You can't go alone, and especially not at this hour. Why aren't you going in the daytime, anyway?"

"I don't know where he lives," I said honestly, "But I do know that he works nights at the hospital. This is the only time I can find him. I have to go."

Edward sighed. "At least let me go with you. It's dangerous."

I frowned. "I need to talk to him alone, Edward."

He crossed his arms, and I realized he was still dressed as well. Had he been waiting for me to try to sneak out? I was so predictable?

"I'll wait outside, then, but I'm coming with you. You're not traipsing the streets of Chicago all by yourself at this hour."

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