| Chapter 21 |

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Chapter Twenty-One

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"There's some here," I licked my thumb before rubbing it against Adrien's bottom lip to remove my red lipstick.

We had been in the limo for about fifteen minutes, we would soon be pulling up to our new company building, where the gala would be taking place.

"Stop kissing me," I told him making him smirk and raise his eyebrow.

"Why?" He asked, mischief dancing in his eyes. I hated this man so much.

"Because my lipstick is getting all over your li-,"

I didn't get to finish my statement because he was kissing me yet again. I rolled my eyes at him before kissing him back. Kissing Adrien was definitely addicting and that was something I could never get tired of.

"We will be approaching the building in about five minutes," the driver's voice filled the back of the limousine through a tiny speaker.

I pushed at Adrien's chest lightly and he pulled away from the kiss. I then continued to remove the remaining lipstick from his lips.

When I was finished I stared outside and my breath literally stopped.

The building was huge! And not only that, the outside was packed with paparazzi, photographers and fans. My heartbeat sped up.

"Are you nervous?" Adrien suddenly asked.

I shook my head. "N-no."

A small smile grazed his lips as he intertwined his fingers with mine. "I go through this stuff all the time, so my advice to you is to stop freaking out. Keep your head held high with a smile on your face. We'll get inside okay."

Somehow, just by him holding my hand, I felt calm. I nodded, but didn't remove my hand from his. "Okay."

The limo came to a stop and immediately was swarmed by fans and paparazzi. Luckily, they were pushed back by the security guards and the bodyguards.

Our driver opened the door on Adrien's side and he got out before holding his hand out to me. I took it and slid out of the vehicle.

Screams and questions met my ears and I clutched Adrien's hand tighter before leaning into his side as we walked on the velvet red carpet to the doors of the building.


"Are you two really dating??!!"


"Is it true that Marinette is pregnant with your child, Adrien?!"

People were trying to push the bodyguards and security away, but they didn't succeed.

Finally we were inside and away from the noise and flashing lights. I then turned to Adrien. "Do I look pregnant to you?" I asked him, patting my very flat stomach.

He laughed. "Not at all, princess."

A throat cleared and we turned to see a short, slightly fat man. "I am to escort you both to the room and to your seats."

Adrienette Arranged Marriage (Rewrite)✔Where stories live. Discover now