| Chapter 20 |

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Chapter Twenty

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"Can I speak to you both in my office," Matilda beckoned us closer with a wave of the hand. We told the girls we would be right back before following her.

"Where is Emma?" I asked once we were in her office and were seated. "We checked her room, but she isn't there."

"She's in her reading class," Matilda informed us. "It will be over in about ten minutes."

Adrien and I nodded. "What is it you wanted to speak to us about?" Adrien asked after some time.

"Well, it's about Emma," Matilda started. "She has been worrying me. She won't eat and she hasn't been socializing like she was before. Her nightmares are getting worse and she won't leave her room unless it's to go to her classes. Everything has went downhill with her since the incident. The progress we had made with her when she just got here has dwindled down to nothing. I'm wondering if we should put her into counseling or can you guys talk to her."

"We'll see what we can do to help her. It's really sad to hear she's like this. I mean, when we left the other day she seemed okay, but now it's like she has shut down," I said, running my fingers through my now let down hair.

"Thank you so much," Matilda smiled, her eyes brightening. Her eyes then moved to my hand, the one that my engagement ring sat on. "Marinette, you're engaged?!" She exclaimed, a huge grin on her face as she clasped my hand in hers. I could practically feel Adrien's smirk."What a beautiful ring! Who's the lucky lad?"

"Guilty," Adrien spoke, raising his hand a bit.

Matilda's eyes widened. "You're joking," She said, obviously not believing what was going on. When she saw the looks on our faces, she smiled. "I didn't even know you guys were dating!"

Adrien scratched the back of his neck. "We didn't tell a lot of people. With the media and all."

She nodded. "I can understand that," She muttered. "I am happy for the both of you. When's the wedding?"

"Next month," I answered. "I'll make sure each and everyone of you get an invitation."

Matilda clapped her hands excitedly. "I can't wait."

"Before we go, we have something to talk to you about," Adrien stated, nudging me lightly.

"Is it bad?" Matilda looked worried.

"Not at all," I told her, giving her a soft smile.

"Well then, what is it? You're getting me anxious," She said nervously.

"We want to adopt Emma."

Matilda looked shocked by the words that had passed Adrien's lips. When her shock subsided, tears filled her eyes and she smiled.

"You're serious?" She asked.

We nodded. "We have been thinking about about adopting her for a while and we think now is probably the right time to talk to you about it," I said.

"You don't know how happy I get when someone comes to adopt one of these girls. It gives me joy knowing that they'd be so much happier with a family," She spoke, her voice cracking. I clasped one of her hands in both of mine. "Thank you both so much."

"It's really not a problem, Matilda," Adrien gave her a smile. "If we could adopt all of them we would, trust me."

"When do you want to start the process?" She asked, wiping the tears from her eyes.

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