Everything goes away in the end

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The pain of the sharp object ripping through my thigh was no more, the feeling of getting skinned was painless. My leg was removed from my body and pierced with a chain. I had not known what happened to my body along with the rest of my limbs, including my head. I was at chest height, a string went through the pierced hole and I was hanging around an animal's neck. It walks around holding the sharp stick covered in my blood with ease. Carefully swiping at branches and large leaves in the forest. I can't move, only think. Breathing is not what I can remember, movement and emotion are nothing.
The further he lurks into the forest the more I decay. I had no eyes but was capable of sight, it was blurry but I was able to make out where I was.
The closer the animal moved I saw more of my place, my neighbor, a white-tailed deer, we never had any problems and were fine with our areas. He was drinking out of the spring when we saw him. The animal pulled out a long shiny stick and pointed one end to the deer, I heard a click but I didn't know where. The stick created a loud BOOM.
And my dear friend screamed in agony, in a similar way, right after his body dropped down, a silence filled the area. I didn't know what to feel at that moment. We got closer to his body, a hole filled with blood was gushing from his neck. Staring into his cold eyes I see he was still breathing and clinging on for life.
I didn't want to see him in pain but couldn't look away. I wasn't able to change what I was seeing, All I could think of was knowing that he was to suffer no more. The object was pulled out once again and the same process that happened to me happened to the deer. After a few minutes, my dear friend was nothing but meat, his luxurious coat was stripped from him. Instead of his leg being taken, the animal ripped off his antlers. Leaving the corpse to rot. The animal walked for hours as I dangled off it's neck bouncing and repeatedly bumping into his chest. At a moment he paused and pulled out a white and orange stick, another one with a red tip was pulled out as well and he dragged it alongside a square object. Fire burst from the red and he held the flame to the end of the orange and white stick and it caught on fire. The animal dropped the burnt one on the ground.
It held it to his mouth and breathes it in. It pulled it out and gray smoke left. Continuing the walk a burst of pain was screamed through the animal's lips, we fell to the floor as it cried in pains. I looked to its leg and saw it had stepped in what caught me. A largemouth like an object clamped around the leg with blood spewing out. The words help left the mouth and grunts continued. I felt no remorse for the creature. As it disrespected my city. The poor thing crawled but had no energy to continue. At last, it bleeds out. Silence dropped again and I felt at ease.
I guess in the end I wasn't so lucky after all.

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