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Side note: Every time I tried to think of a name for this character, I kept thinking Captain Jack Sparrow. It was driving me nuts! Almost called him captain jack pigeon cause I was fed up but I finally came up with a name. Also, I'm watching Pirates of the Caribbean with a glass of rum and coke as I type this. Don't judge me, its my day off. Five o'clock somewhere and all that. Ok ok ok back to the story.


Captain Hunt, his real name Samual Hunter, was known for hunting down any who he feels has disrespected him. He was feared and most importantly rich.

Starting the day, he finished his breakfast with a belch that could rival thunder before heading to check on his crew to see what they looted from that disgusting village the night before. Thinking of last night he couldn't stop the slimy smile that crept onto his face as he remembered screwing that girl until the wee hours of the morning. Her screams are my favorite lullaby.

Feet pounding towards the deck made the crew pick up random objects such as mops, rope, rags, and binoculars to cover the fact that they had been gossiping like little birds. The sun glaring down on them making them sweat profusely helping the act of working hard.

Captain Hunt made a proud image standing behind the wheel of his ship looking over the horizon as he sailed North. Hoping for luck with the weather this time around, he really didn't want to waste money on hiring new crew members.

As the captain was pondering Poseidon's will, Jay and Rocky smirked at each other as they walked towards the captain to tell him of the beauty they caught.

"Captain! We have gotten lucky this past night! For we have captured a hot as hell broad, she put up a bit of a fight but we managed to throw her down to the cage with the other one."

Intrigued by what Jay said he wanted to go search out this woman to see if she was as beguiling as the men seemed to think. The other girl probably wouldn't stay alive for long so, he was glad to have a replacement.

"Good work, ya shits! I'll head down to see the replacement. Maybe I'll let ya have a go at the dark haired bitch." The captain smirked at the men's sullen faces. They should know the captain doesn't share his whore until they aren't useful anymore.

Walking down the steps toward the dark room my nose wrinkled at the smell. Gunna have to gets some runts in here to clean up.

Captain Hunt stepped up towards the bars of the cell to see a gorgeous slightly curvy blonde with big green eyes.

Sang could see the rotten teeth smiling at her and couldn't help the look of disgust show on her face. Not allowing anymore emotion to broadcast what she was thinking she asked in her firmest tone, "what do I have to do to get out of this hell hole? What do you want? Money?"

Waiting in tense silence as the man just looked at her curiously until laughing boisterously, "whew chickadee, we are gunna have a lot of fun together!"

Still smiling he leans down closer to her, an awful odor wafting from his mouth as he whispered, "I don't need money and I don't need anything from you except to spread those thighs for me whenever I want."

Now, there were plenty of smarter ways to respond to this statement but damn did it feel good to spit in his ugly face.

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