Six Veela and One Demigod

Start from the beginning

"Oi!" Alicia called out angrily.

"A french veela!" George added. "Who wouldn't want that?!"

"Oi!" Angelina called out angrily.

"Because maybe Percy has class?" Hermione suggested.

Percy sighed. 'Because I have six veela who are interested in me and I don't know who I want?' But obviously he couldn't say that. Percy thought for a moment before he began. "Well...there's this other girl."

The boys all blinked and Hermione looked up at me. "Percy, what type of girl is so amazing that you would say no to a veela?" George asked.

Percy sighed. "She's...she's great. She and I go back, and though we aren't super close we do exchange letters a lot, and honestly...I don't really know where she and I stand."

"Is she hot?" Fred asked.

"Very." Percy smiled.

"Hotter than Fleur?!" Harry asked with wide eyes.

Percy thought about it for a moment. "...Kind off."

"Get out of here!" Fred gasped. "Okay fine, new plan! You get in good with Fleur, when this girl..."

"Chanel." Percy supplied. Hermione looked down, an indiscernible look flashed on her face.

"Wow, even her name sounds hot. Okay, so when Chanel comes you be with her, but don't let Fleur see, after she leaves you get back with Fleur and keep Chanel on the side! Simple as that!"

Percy rolled his eyes. "Great plan dude, except one tiny thing."

"And what's that?"

"That would be emotional manipulation. And a terrible thing to do." Percy sighed. "Plus I don't really think I'm that good a charmer to try something like that."

"Oh come off it Percy! You have the chance to be with two girls! Every guys dream! At least try to go for it, what's the worst that can happen?"

"I lose them both?"

"Details." Fred shrugged.

Percy narrowed his eyes. "Hey Fred, of all the dates you went on, how many of those women called you back?"

"Plenty!" Fred boasted, his chest puffed.

"Right...Well I hope you don't mind if I say I don't believe that statement." Percy huffed. "Maybe I should just come clean with Fleur. Tell her I like her but not like that."

"Are you sure?" Angelina asked. "Because you don't sound so sure."

"I...I'm not." Percy sighed. "I don't know what I have with Chanel, whether it's just flirting or something more and I'm not even sure if Fleur likes me that way. I don't know what to do!"

"Oh boo hoo. 'I have two women who love me, whatever will I do?!'" George snorted. "Shut up Percy, some of us have the exact opposite problem for your information. So sit down and eat your breakfast."

Percy and the others chuckled at George but quickly started to eat. After breakfast, Percy went out on the grounds and stared at the lake for a while to clear his head.

At ten, he and the other Hogwarts students found themselves waiting by the main entrance. Fred, George and their dates soon arrived and a little while after that so did the Beauxbatons students.

For the first time they were all wearing something other than their school robes. His friends wore mostly muggle clothes while the Beauxbaton couples wore an expensive looking casual robe.

Banished Into Magic: A Percy Jackson/Harry Potter Crossover Where stories live. Discover now