Part 9| Lady Of Versitude, 29

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Silas's eyes lulled open under the moan of wood scraping against stone. At first, he thought it was a bear digging its claws in a boulder outside of his cave, but the smell of Silas's surroundings, and the grooves digging in his back, reminded him he did not sleep in Waywin Wood. He glanced across the dank hall at Feri resting with Asinis, whose head drooped toward his chest. His soft snores rolled like waves on a lakeshore. Mr. Noarwin played with a set of dice. They rattled in his palms as Dar slept beside him.

Mr. Noarwin looked up when the trapdoor's hinges creaked. It swung open with a grunt from Waverly. Mr. Noarwin sighed and glanced at Silas, who sensed his gaze and turned from peering at the opening to him.

"Let's wake the others," Mr. Noarwin said.

Silas nodded and rose to squat in front of Asinis and Feri. He thought of their friendship. Envied it. How did he make Feri choose his side to rest upon? How did he comfort Asinis or Mr. Noarwin from their pains? Mr. Noarwin cooed to Dar behind Silas, and the mass of stone groaned and shifted. Silas stroked Feri's hair smooth as the rabbit resembled. She hated her appearance. People cringed at it. He didn't understand. To him, she was more beautiful than all of them. He wanted her to believe it, but how could he when society had spent her whole life claiming otherwise?

"Time to wake up," he called to her and Asinis. He would have to determine a solution later.

Feri's large eyes fluttered open, and she yawned. "Is it morning?" she asked.

Silas nodded. "Waverly has opened the door."

"Alright." Feri grunted and stretched and then balled her hands into fists. She one, two punched Asinis in the side with a, "Kapow!" and then struck a pose.

Silas dodged as Asinis lurched sideways, shouting and falling onto his opposite side. "What's happening!" he cried, eyes wide and head swirling from side to side.

"Feri, do you often attack your friends in their sleep?" Silas asked.

Feri pushed herself onto her feet. "No. Just when I've had a day like yesterday." She tugged on the back of Asinis's jacket, so he sat upright.

"Ow," he groaned.

Feri pat his cheeks. "Wake up!"

"I'm awake," he wheezed.

Feri smiled and skipped to Mr. Noarwin standing under Dar climbing the metal ladder. Silas thought it a precarious position if the golem fell, but he managed it as if used to fitting his massive hands around tiny objects. Silas wondered what Dar did all day in the shop but couldn't imagine anything that would elicit such an important skill in such a body.

"He's pretty good at that," Feri said as if relating Silas's thoughts. Mr. Noarwin chuckled in agreement.

"Are you alright, Asinis?" Silas asked, a little happy that Feri shared his opinion of the admirable golem.

"Fine." Asinis flashed him a pained smile while hiding his side. "It's not the first time she's woken me up like that." He started toward her and their companions after Silas pulled him to his feet. "I think she does it because she's nervous, actually."

Silas tilted his head. "I suppose there is much to be nervous about now."

"Yes." Asinis's voice wavered, and he glanced sideways.

Silas pinched his lips. He wanted to say something to comfort Asinis, but nothing seemed right, so he opted to satisfy curiosity instead. "How did you and Feri become friends?"

Asinis blinked at him and then glanced at Feri standing under the hole. "I don't know. Are we friends?" Asinis went through a series of expressions. First disgust, then curiosity, and last acceptance. "We just worked together at Isenvel. Grew to understand one another through work. I suppose I feel responsible for her and she me. Seems we've bonded over these last several weeks of camaraderie."

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