Seeking Friends, 6

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"Keep your head covered," Asinis reminded Feri.

Feri didn't chastise him for mentioning it a fourth time. They walked into the Capital City, Lostress of the Valador Empire. It was Feri's first time there, but she didn't dare look up from her feet. She had tucked her long ears away and hid the masked part of her face behind a red scarf. Her fur and layers weighed and heated under the afternoon sun, but caution made her bear the discomfort and endure the sweat dripping under her shirt. She hadn't felt this ugly and ashamed since leaving home. Now, hers was no longer just the appearance of a slighted woman but the face of a fugitive. An ugly goblin-rabbit hybrid. She felt ill for it and longed for the magic that made her beautiful.

She hadn't expected to get through the gate so easily. But if word reached this far of the pink beast-bunny and her human companion from Isenvel, one reveal of her face would alert the Summit Guard. They weren't as easy to slip past as small-town watchmen. Or so she'd heard. If not for the various sizes and shapes of peoples and races in Lostress, she would stick out like a sore thumb anyway.

"What are we doing here, Asinis?" she hissed while searching for a shaded street.

"I don't know," he said. "But we couldn't stay in that forest."

They could have if they stuck with Tree Keeper, but Asinis didn't like magic he hadn't studied, and as far as she knew, he'd yet to crack open a tome concerning nature.

"You there!"

Feri ducked. The guards at the gate they'd just left held an unraveled missive. Asinis, his face tight, looked that way. Confirming the guards called to them, he twisted around and ran. Feri darted after him, the wind she made sneaking through her clothes and cooling her feverish skin. She and Asinis darted down the immediate street ahead, a bridge connecting the two long side buildings passing overhead. And then they raced through an arch in a connecting wall, which led them into a series of shops.

The chase caught the attention of Summits patrolling the city. They flew into pursuit, no confusion among them as they spread out to block the alleys and streets while keeping pace. Feri's heart fluttered in fright. She saw calculation in their eyes. Silent communication passed between them as they planned how to corral her and Asinis while maneuvering as well as a pack of wolves. Asinis grabbed her arm and pulled her down a street. Dread webbed through her chest as she realized it was the only one the Summit had left open. Asinis was falling into their trap! But where else could they go? They weaved through linked paths, ducked under hanging signs, and smashed into walls as they rounded corners. They hadn't gotten a look at the city yet, so neither knew where to run or hide. Feri hopped from a corner wall and off it into the adjacent alley ahead of Asinis and looked behind her.

"Stop them!" Shouts raised over their heads, but the city people were too flustered to respond.

She knew it. This was a bad idea! She should have taken the blame when they were questioned. She should have never let Asinis involve himself. It didn't matter his part. She wanted to go further when they should have stopped like he wanted at the first sign of trouble in their research. Asinis was so careful, but she forced the issue in her desperation, and now they were running from capital soldiers!

"I'm sorry, Asinis!" she screamed behind her.

"Not now, not now, not now," he shouted back.

"Asinis Uris! Feri Fel! You are under arrest for the death of three magical researchers and the destruction of the Isenvel Tower!" one of the Summit shouted.

"It was an accident," Feri cried under her breath, tears wetting her cheeks.

Asinis pivoted to a stop and drew out his hands in front of him. A net weaved between two building walls. The guards flew into it and then bounced back, but they jumped up the walls to get around almost as fast as it appeared. Their reaction to the obstacle made Feri tremble. They knew not to attempt forcing through magic but to create an alternative route. And they found one in the blink of an eye by way of their own physical power.

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