They made their way over to the cushion and climbed into it with their legs crossed. The weight of their bodies forced them to sink into the center. San looked into Wooyoung's eyes as they pressed together and gave a small gasp at the lack of distance, he blushed as he turned away.

Woo smirked in return. Even gravity was cheering him on.

"Okay, now that we're all here I need to lay out the guidelines for the newcomers," Seonghwa announced.

The loud sound of a chip bag opening, followed by an audible crunch stopped him from speaking again. Everyone's head turned to the sound and Mingi looked up from the bag meeting their eyes.

"Sorry," he muttered, "Continue."

"There is one ultimate rule to Lights all Night and that's; don't be the first to fall asleep."

He turned to Hyunjin. "Would you like to explain why, Jinnie?"

Hyunjin threw a sarcastic smile to Seonghwa and rolled his eyes, "Because there is a punishment decided by the rest of the group and last year that was me."

A few giggles were heard as Hyunjin scoffed, "It took three weeks for my eyebrow to fully grow back."

 Yeosang spat out the soda he was drinking in his failed attempt to suppress a laugh.

"After the first person falls asleep, anyone can go to bed if they wish. In the very unlikely possibility that we all make it to sunrise, no one gets chosen. Also, if one person takes a drink, everyone drinks. Aside from that, just have fun and try not to break any of my parent's shit."

"No promises," Mingi said, eating another handful of chips.

Seonghwa, Hongjoong, Hyunjin and Woo stood up from their seats and looked around, waiting for the others to follow. Nine small glass cups filled with a clear liquid were taken from the table and put in each of their hands. 

"What's this?" San eyed the cup suspiciously.

They raised their glass and everyone followed, "It's tradition, a good luck shot to start the night. A promise to meet here again next year as best friends, old and new," Seonghwa said.

Wooyoung took the ninth cup from Hwa and after they clinked their glasses together and drank, he took the second shot, wincing at the slight burn on his tongue.

"For Jongho," he mentioned to San who looked confused.

"What's first?" Yunho asked looking around the circle.

Hongjoong reached for the table producing a sparkling microphone covered in rhinestones.

"Karaoke!" They said in unison.

The lounge room turned into a concert session as each of them sang a song of their choice. The drinks didn't stop and after a heated game of who could hit the highest note, Hongjoong took to the mic to sing the encore.

The final notes of his Bohemian Rhapsody rendition faded into silence and loud cheers and claps bounced around the room, Seonghwa louder than the others. 

Hyunjin sat watching everyone with a subtle smile on his face and playing with the pink curls of Yeosang's head in his lap. The flush of his face from the alcohol (just like the others) matched his hair and he resembled a small peach bun.

His head swayed as he lifted it from the other's lap and pointed a finger at Hongjoong, "You sing like angel kisses," Yeosang said.

Hongjoong looked confused and turned to San for clarification. "I think he means he likes your voice," San replied.

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