Chapter Five

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Dove's Pov
Another week felt like forever before everything finally faded and went back to normal after a long battle. My body never felt more exhausted in that moment. I never wanted anything to go back to normal so quick like I wanted this new life. I was more then pleased that Kili, Fili and Thorin weren't dead but now all that waited was the future.

I stared at the horizon with a soft daze. I just needed some me time. It was beautiful up here minus almost watching Thorin die. It was then a soft hand was placed on my shoulder and I gasped looking up a soft small made its way across my face, my hand instantly shooting out to clutch around the necklace, my heart fading into relief.

"Legolas." I breathed out a shy smile making its way across my face. Legolas looked very exhausted but he slowly sat on the edge of the cliff with me, the breeze blowing through his blonde hair.

"Hi little one." He greeted me his blue eyes watching me very closely. In my heart it seemed like forever I had seen him, but I was at ease and relaxed now. "I promised you I would be back didn't I Dove? Don't look so surprised my love." His gentle chuckles also filled my ears making me even more shy then before.

"I wanted to tell you this a few months ago when we met, for a really long while I thought I was in love with Taruiel I was infatuated with her, she's the captain of the guard back at my home. " I perked my own ears out listening to him closely.

"That is until I met you that is." His blue eyes looked away from the horizon to stare at me.

"Dove I'm in love with you... As strange as it may seem but I do not care, and I hope my father will understand." My eyes were wide and I moved a little closer feeling his smooth hand slowly cup my cheek.

"May I?" He whispered shyly. Oh my is it happening? I remember my first kiss like it was yesterday I was like ten and surprise it happened to be with Kili we have never speak of this though because we were ten and stupid.

Giving Legolas a shy head nod, I leaned my head up to match with his slowly our lips met and I moved my lips gently against his own, his hand still cupping my cheek his soft fingers rubbing at the skin.

I moved as closer as I possible could enjoying the movement of release and bliss. When we finally pulled away his forehead was resting on my own, a beautiful smile. We both pulled away at sudden sound of a voice but his hands shot down to hold my own since I tensed up in fear.

"Don't be afraid, I already told my father." He reassured me gently flashing me another smile.  He slowly stood up helping me up, and I shyly hid behind his leg it was so easy for me to I mean I was so tiny alone for a dwarf.

"Is this her Legolas?" I slowly peered around to locked eyes with Thranduil in his battle amour, I chewed at my lower lip glancing up at Legolas who looked back down at me with a soft smile.

"Yes Ada this is Dove, she is part of Thorin's company, I care about her deeply, I know it's strange she's a dwarf, I'm an elf but... I love her." I heard Thranduil hum before he carefully made his way towards the both of us.

"Come now, I won't harm you, let me see you." Legolas gave me a gentle push and I walked over towards Thranduil watching him slowly kneel down in front of me his own blue eyes watching me.

"She doesn't look like a typical female dwarf, they are usually very hairy, her skin is darker too, she's a beauty I remember her from a few months ago." I felt my cheeks grow warm at the compliment from an elf at that.

I don't think I could have been even more happier.  "Father I would like to stay here for a while, if that's okay, I just wanna help around the best I can, get to know Dove more and ask her hand in marriage." I was so lost in my own little thoughts with a dreamy stare before I snapped my head up fast.

"Marriage!" I squeaked out fast the thought finally hitting me. "You wanna marry me?! I'm so unlady like Legolas." I squeaked out hearing his loud laughter and his eyes of amusement.

"I don't mind Dove, I'm positive you are unlady like but we both are gonna have to grow acustom to one another's marriage customs,"

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