Chapter Three

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Dove's Pov
"Okay okay breath." I told myself in my head, sitting in the house. I couldn't even really speak to anyone at all. These last few days have been really crazy and blown my mind away.

The first thing that enter my mind is that a elf most likely was my one, and what made the thought more troubling is that it had to be Thranduil's son. His father deeply despises our race.

He wouldn't even dream of us letting us be together. So all in all, I fancied a elf. Two Kili was deeply injured and I decided to stay behind with Fili and Bofur while the rest journeyed all the way back up to the mountain.

My mind couldn't handle all the thoughts that seemed to enter it. I chewed harshly at my lip, and got up watching Bard's children rushing around and what not.

I went over to Kili and Fili's side gently placing my colder hand across his forehead, trying to calm his racing temperature down.

"Its gonna be okay Kill okay sweetie, but you have to hold on okay." I told him softly kneeling down besides him. My eyes held so much sadness seeing how much pain he was in.

It was showing all over his face greatly. He held out his hand which I took in mine softly, holding it close.  "You fancy the elf Prince don't you." He whispered playfully chuckling making me crack a soft smile giggling at him trying to lighten up the mood.

"I do yeah." I told him softly seeing him smiling at me through the pain.  "When you see him, give him your bracelet, if he is your one, you must act on it." He whispered.

I gazed at him deeply, while Fili was watching us both confused.  "I promise I will Kili, and you'll be there with me when I have to go through the dwarf customs, you'll be with me when I have to give him courting braids cause your gonna live." I whispered softly holding his hand more deeply.

He kept giving me that soft smile. And I kissed his forehead gently grateful that someone understood me, and didn't judge me first hand.

We don't control who our one is, but we know it's a love like no other.  it would last as long as it needs to. And as long as you give it time.

More days had flown by quicker then I would have liked. A lot of chaos, terror, death sums up the whole week.

Smaug was dead that was a plus side by the down side was how many laketown families had been torn apart, and In destruction it waited. I didn't like being all cold but Winter was nearing you could feel it in the air.

I was looking around trying to help as many people as I could. I let a small shocked squeaked out feeling I was pulled into a deep hug.  The scent was a calming one, of woods, leaves and just nature.

"I'm so glad to see you okay." I heard the calm soft voice making me relax slowly hugging back deeply.

"Prince Legolas I didn't think I was gonna see you again." I admitted.  He pulled away from the hug, still slightly kneeling down in front of me, his eyes showing concern and worry.

"I was worried about you, and I'm not quite sure why." He told me breathed out a soft chuckle.  "I feel like a young elf again, it's quite strange, you're hurt." He said concerned slowly cupping my brown cheeks brushing his thumb across a cut on my cheek.

I didn't even realize was there. I hissed slightly and he gave me a soft look of sorry moving my hair from my face.

"Dove Kili! Come on!" I heard Fili's loud voice call out. Me and Legolas both peeked over our shoulders at him.

"You should go, they are your people Dove." He told me softly. I looked at him hiding the strange surge of pain.

"Come with me Legolas, I have the strangest feeling when I am away from you, I know you feel it as well, I am not afraid I know what I feel." I told him gently. 

His hand was still stroking my cheek softly as he looked at me.  "I have duties to attend to Dove, but I know because I feel it as well, you feel it in your heart and your soul." He told me gently.

He gave me a soft smile and I watched him unclip the necklace around his neck. He leaned forward clipping it around my neck brushing my hair away.

"Legolas this was your mothers, I can't." I stammered out watching the large crystal slightly twinkle. "It's a promise Dove, that once this is all over, I will come back to you, and we can understand together, that we are meant to be." He whispered gently.

He moved his hands up to hold the gem with my hands.  "Take care of it, it's my heart, as well as yours." He said again. The gesture was so sweet, no one had ever done it before.

"Then take something with my heart as well." I whispered.  He watched me with his baby blue  eyes twinkling with intrigue as I grabbed the bracelet sliding it in place on his delicate wrist.

The smile that was present on his face was breathtaking as he looked back to me both our hands resting on each of the gifts.

Legolas leaned forward first and rested his forehead against mine which I did the same enjoying the moment for a soft minute.  Us both whispering goodbye before we both pulled away.

I didn't wanna walk away but some how I had the ability to climb into the boat I held the necklace gently looking at it seeing Fili watching me with a smile.

"Cute."  He commented making me smile making me flustered a bit nudging him playful. Kili joined us shortly after and he saw me holding the necklace my bracelet gone off me.

"I approve. I knew it." He chuckled pushing me playfully which I did the same chuckling.

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