Chapter Two - It's 9.15, Dickhead

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Yeosang woke with a start. What was that sound? Why does my face hurt? Why is my house leader standing over me like that?

"Good morning Hongjoong...wait...did you SLAP ME??..the hell...that hurt!" He nursed his cheek, convinced it was about to slide off his face from the burn of Hongjoon's somewhat unorthodox method of waking him up.
"...May I ask why you felt the need to bash the shit out of me first thing in the morning?"

Hongjoong remained unbothered, strolling out of the room as easily as he walked in, cradling a bowl of cereal in one hand whilst texting ferociously with the other.
"It's 9.15, dickhead, your alarm clocks' broken or something?"
Yeosang, still annoyed and massaging his face, looked over at the busted clock that his roommate somehow destroyed last night, and reached for his glasses. Once he looked through the lenses, it was as if his current situation, as well as his vision, suddenly came into clearer focus.

"FUUUUCK!! I've got class!! Hongjoong, why didn't you wake me up earlier??!!" Yeosang shouted out pleadingly.
"Errm because I'm not your fucking Mum" Hongjoong hollers from the hallway, chuckling heartily at his own joke as he made his way to the kitchen to continue eating breakfast with the others.

"Shit, shit, shit, I'm already 15 minutes late. I'm gonna get annihilated by my lecturer!!! Omg I've never been late in my life I think I'm going to have a heart attack" Yeosang was nearly hyperventilating at this point.

On a normal day, Yeosang would rise early, carefully dress and pack his things, completely organised for the day. Today however, he leapt out of bed, dressed in 4.2 seconds, not even looking at what he was putting on and threw his books mercilessly into his bag. His usually neat and organised area looked like a bombsite.

The massive amount of noise he was making also seemed to stir the beast within the blankets in the bed next to his. The blankets rose and a disheveled mop of dyed red hair peeked out of the mouth of the blanket volcano.

"Wanna make any more fucking noise or what bruh?" boomed a deep voice from within the mound.

"Sorry Mingi, it's past 9 and I'm freaking the fuck out!" Yeosang wailed, wrenching one shoe on, whilst desperately trying to find the other. "Also, what did you do to my clock, I realised it was broken but I fell asleep before setting my phone as a back up alarm. What happened?!"

Mingi smirked while still yawning and stretching his long frame over the bed.
"First of all.. chill the fuck out. You're everyone's favourite student, as if you're gonna get in trouble. Second...look...I had a girl up here last night and it got a little...interesting."

Yeosang looked over at the red-headed heathen in pure disgust. "It was a Thursday did you even have time...wait..your tutor!? Seriously Mingi!? I LEFT MY ROOM for hours for you asshole...YOU SAID YOU NEEDED TO STUDY!!"
"Yeah, well I did, and I learned a lot" Mingi chortled.

Yeosang, still looking for his shoe (mostly to have something to throw at Mingi), inexplicably found it under Mingi's bed, completely saturated in what smelt like soju. He looked over to Mingi with a mixed expression of anger and confusion.

Mingi finally had the good grace to look ashamed of himself, scratching the back of his head and saying "Look, best not to ask about that ok mate, I'll, um, buy you a new pair this afternoon?"

"NO TIME, I GOTTA GO!" Yeosang moaned, emptying the contents of his shoe (onto Mingi's pillow when he wasn't looking) then slamming it on his foot, wondering what on earth he had done in his past life to deserve a day starting this badly.

Mingi yawned exaggeratedly "Oh yeah, I got class too, hurry up and I'll give you a lift"
And then he climbed out of bed, slid an arm through one strap of his backpack and walked into his slides that were by the door. "Let's go Yeo"

Despite the haste, Yeosang stopped dead in his tracks as he looked over at the red-head's attire "You're still in your pyjamas Mingi!?"

"Look, is now the moment to care about what I may or may not be wearing Yeosang?" Mingi questioned. "Would you like a ride a class, or would you rather run there?"
He was kind of enjoying the unorganised Yeosang-chaos before him, who was usually so calm and put-together.

Yeosang shook his head quickly " NO, you're right, let's go NOW" and he grabbed his bag and flew down the stairs two at a time.

Mingi smirked when he slipped a little on one of the steps as he was coming down "I'm guessing that's the soju leaking out of Yeo's shoe sksksk." Mingi swore to himself he could never reveal what he did to Yeo's shoe last night.

Mingi swanned into the kitchen to see nearly everyone else up and breakfasting. Hongjoong and Seonghwa had just left but Jonho and Wooyoung were still eating. San was doing the dishes. Yunho was probably still asleep.

"Morning all, lovely day isn't it" Mingi greeted his friends, chuckling softly.
A car horn honked loudly in the driveway. Yeosang was clearly #keen to get going.
San sighed out "Mingi take Yeo to class before he has a panic attack for Christ's sake."
Wooyoung giggled sweetly before exclaiming loudly "Ooh actually, I need a ride too please Mingi?"

Minho grabbed two pieces of fruit and he and Wooyoung made their way to the car out front, Mingi making rather a business of adjusting his seat and mirrors while Wooyoung chuckled. Yeosang looked so stressed at this point.
"Ready to go?" said Mingi mischievously at a raging Yeosang before finally starting the car and pulling out of the driveway.

The 8 boys lived together in a private house that Seonghwa's family owned off-campus, but it wasn't far from the university they all attended. When Mingi pulled into campus a few minutes later, the car had not even come to a complete stop before Yeosang ripped the door open and exited the vehicle.

"Don't forget your breakfast!" Mingi cooed from the drivers window, launching an orange at Yeosang who deftly caught it.
"Fuck you Mingi and also thank you" shouted Yeosang, Naruto-ing to class, leaving the remaining two in fits of laughter.

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