Chapter 14

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"Adrien," Marinette said softly, "You... You heard that, didn't you?"

Adrien clasped his bottom lip between his teeth. His head nodded once as his hands clenched into tight fists by his side.

"Why didn't you tell me?" Adrien asked under his breath as he avoided eye contact.

"I'm sorry," Marinette looked down, "I planned on telling you eventually, but I..."

Marinette's  tears brimmed along her eyelids, blurring her vision like an old camera. Her bottom lip quivered, making her voice appear shaky.

"I didn't know how," she said in a whispily, "You have every right to be mad at me"

Finally, Adrien looked up at her. Tears were, once again, running down her cheeks as her breaths came in and out rapidly. Frowning, Adrien stepped into the light, stopping directly in front of her. Alya stepped out from under the streetlight to give them the space they needed, where she was met by Nino. Without another word, her and Nino turned their backs to Adrien and Marinette.

"Marinette," Adrien said quietly, "I'm not mad. I just..."

Adrien took in a deep breath, exhaling slowly and allowing his chest to sink as the air exited his lungs.

"I just wish you told me sooner"

"I'm sorry, Adrien," Marinette said again, "I一"

Without warning, Adrien threw his arms around her shoulders and pulled her to his warm chest. Marinette's bloodshot eyes widened, her eyebrows lifting in surprise from this unexpected embrace. Her arms fell loosely at her sides, dangling like vines while her brain tried to process what was happening. Adrien only hugged her tighter, digging his face into her silky midnight hair.

"It's okay," he reassured her, "Until then, I'll make sure you live the remainder of your life to the fullest"

This only caused more tears to fall from her eyes. She hiccupped through her tears and wrapped her arms around his waist. Adrien's hand gently ran up and down her back in comfort. Her tears bled into his shirt, leaving warm patches in their wake. He remained silent and allowed her to cry as he held her so tightly that his arms trembled.

He held her as if he would lose her tomorrow.


Now that Adrien knows the truth about the timer, Marinette had gotten one thing off her chest. However, she still had another secret, and this one would be even harder to confess than the one about the timer.

Marinette pressed her forehead against the cold glass window of the bus, watching as all the trees and buildings rolled by with her music blaring from her earbuds. Now that she knew what little time she had left, she needed to go back home and visit her family.

Her phone vibrated inside her pocket, signaling a new text message. With the music still playing in her ears, Marinette unpocketed her phone. Adrien's name had lit up the small screen.

Text me when you get home!

Marinette smiled and texted him back. She placed her phone back in her pocket, glancing back to the window to continue on with her daydream.


After the bus ride, Marinette opened the door to her bakery. Her parents' faces lit up with their usual kind smiles as they greeted their daughter. Marinette smiled and returned their greetings.

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