Chapter 9

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"Shit, you killed me again!" Alya yelled over the sound of gunshots, "I suck at this game"

Adrien laughed, "Don't worry, you'll get better with practice"

Alya blew her bangs out of her eyes and rapidly mashed the buttons on her controller, creating a storm of loud clicks.

"I'm gonna kill you this time!" Alya growled, "Now, where are一"

Before she knew it, her character had been shot and killed yet again. Alya narrowed her eyes in a glare at Adrien, who broke into a fit of joyous laughter. Like a toddler watching a funny video.

"I give up," Alya threw her controller on the coffee table, "You win"

"We can play something else if you want," Adrien suggested.

Alya leaned back on the couch with her hands resting behind her head.

"What other games do you have?"

Before Adrien could answer, the door opened with a soft click. Adrien and Alya  shot their attention to the doorway upon this sudden interruption.

"Hey man一"

Nino paused when he saw Alya with him. Likewise, Adrien and Alya were surprised to see Marinette standing next to Nino. The two pairs looked between one another in confusion, not saying a single word. Nino had not been expecting Alya to come over, and Adrien has not expected Nino to bring Marinette over.

Finally, Alya broke the silence and stood up from the couch.

"Nino, let's go to the café," Alya suggested.

The ombre-haired girl walked over to her boyfriend and linked her arm around his. Nino smiled and nodded. He knew exactly what she was doing.

Nino looked back at Adrien, "I'll be back in a few"

"Take care of Marinette for me," Alya added.

Both Adrien and Marinette blinked. They opened their mouths to speak, but the couple had already exited the apartment and shut the door, leaving the two of them alone.

Marinette linked her hands in front of her and looked down at the floor, avoiding eye contact with Adrien. Perhaps she should have planned out what to say to him before coming here.

Adrien, upon seeing her eyes on the floor, copied her actions. His thoughts struggled to come up with the correct words to say. The urge to break the silence tugged at him, but what was he even supposed to say to her? He made a mental note to scold Nino later for bringing Marinette over without giving him a heads up.

Marinette took her eyes off the floor and glanced at Adrien. She frowned when she saw that he had been avoiding eye contact, too. Finally, she took a step towards the couch.

"So, what's your major?" She asked.

She mentally facepalmed herself for asking that question so out of the blue. But she really wanted to break the silence. She could imagine how disappointed Nino would be if she told him that they never even talked for the time they were alone together. Thankfully, Adrien didn't seem to mind this question.

"Piano performance," he answered, "I'm following in my mom's footsteps"

Marinette smiled, "You really enjoy playing piano, don't you?"

Adrien nodded, "Despite all the requirements for this major, I love playing piano. I've been playing since I was a kid"

"You're very talented, too," Marinette said, "I can't play an instrument, but I like listening to others play"

Adrien smiled, "You can sit down if you want. I don't want your legs getting tired from standing"

Marinette giggled and jumped onto the couch next to Adrien.

"We can play games or watch a movie," Adrien suggested, "Whatever you want to do"

Marinette saw the pair of controllers on the coffee table. She reached down to pick one up, feeling the smooth and hard material melt in her hands.

"I challenge you, then," Marinette smirked, "Loser has to treat the winner to something"

Adrien picked up the other controller with a smile, "Challenge accepted. If you can even beat me"

Marinette blew her bangs out of her face, "Oh, watch me"


Elsewhere, Alya and Nino sat down across from each other in the college café. Today was more empty than usual. Most people must have gone back to their families, given that it was the end of the quarter.

"Was it really the best idea to leave those two alone?" Nino asked, "After all, they didn't look very prepared for this"

Alya shrugged, "At least it worked. I hope"

"Anything to get those two to actually talk, honestly, " Nino sighed, "I had to give Marinette some motivation"

Nino took a sip from his coffee, "By the way, Marinette told you, right?"

Alya blinked in confusion, "Told me what?"

"About her..." Nino breathed, "Situation, I guess"

Alya nodded, "I wish we could tell Adrien, but I swore not to tell him"

"Maybe it's best if Marinette tells him herself," Nino said, "He's bound to find out, so there's no point in hiding it for very long"

Alya and Nino looked down at the table in silence while a thick lump built up in their throats. Then it hit them, they were not ready for the day to come, either.


"Yes! I win!"

Marinette threw her fists in the air. Adrien laughed at her burst of enthusiasm as he placed his controller on the coffee table.

"Alright, what do you want?"

"Oh, I don't want anything," Marinette lowered her arms, "I just wanted to challenge you"

Adrien chuckled and leaned back on the couch, "Fair enough"

Marinette looked at him, her eyes traveling down to his arm that rested on the couch with his forearm upwards. It was then that Marinette caught a glimpse of the timer on Adrien's inner wrist. Her eyebrows shot up the second her brain processed the time embedded on there. Three months left. 

Did Adrien know what that timer meant? After all, he never seemed bothered by it.

"Hey, Adrien?"

Adrien glanced at the bluenette next to him, "Yes?"

"Do you..." Marinette kept her eyes on his timer, "Know what that timer indicates?"

Adrien brought his wrist up to his face and examined the timer.

"Isn't it counting down to the day I meet my soulmate?"

Marinette's stomach dropped, along with her face. He had no idea what it was counting down to. But she knew. She knew the truth about that timer, and now she was more petrified than ever.

Marinette shook her head, "Not quite"

Adrien blinked and looked back at her, "What does it mean then?"

Marinette pursed her lips. She didn't think it was the best idea to tell him一not yet, at least. But what was she supposed to say instead? She wasn't the type of person who tells lies, especially about that timer.

To her relief, Adrien spoke first.

"You know what," he lowered his arm, "Forget it. I don't think I need to worry about it"

Marinette nervously intertwined her fingers. She needed to tell him. He has to know. Someday, but not today. But she can't wait too long, either. After all, his timer would run out before she knew it.

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