22. Together Once More

Start from the beginning

"They fled," Abigail nodded, "and I'm assuming the Dire Magnus did as well."

"He did," Rafe said, "But we'll deal with that later."

"The magical council will get word of this and send people to handle it," Wilamena chimed in, "we should get to safety before they come and flood the area with operatives looking for the monsters, not that they'll find them if they fled."

Everyone nodded in agreement and planned to move out. But then Abigail noticed Gabriel was staring at something. She looked at him quizzically, "what is it?"

The warrior replied, "I do believe I see the human boy, Robert, trying to run off into the night."

"Which is awfully suspicious considering we just saw his uncle working with the screechers before getting set on fire," Emma said.

"It's even more suspicious that he wasn't locked up as a prisoner but Kate was," Rafe added.

Understanding dawned on them as they realized what was going on here. Michael said slowly, "he betrayed us and got Kate captured. He's been working with the Dire Magnus the whole time."

"Well I'm gonna punch his stupid spy face," Emma declared, "he hurt my sister!"

"No," Rafe said, entering a level of rage that made him a deadly calm, "you and Michael need to watch over Kate until she wakes up. I'll deal with Robert."

"Be quick," Wilamena called, "we have to get out of here!"

Rafe nodded sharply and gently set Kate down on the ground, in the care of her family and friends. Then he turned and ran after Robert, his anger growing with each minute.

Rafe caught him on the other side of the burning mansion trying to slink off into an alleyway. Rafe grabbed his shoulder, spinning him around, "going somewhere?" His voice was cold, calm and terrifying.

"Oh... Kate's friend," Robert pretended to be relieved, trying to keep up the lie her had perpetrated, "weren't you a ghost?"

"I was. But Kate brought me back to life," Rafe answered. The anger still did not leave his voice. 

Robert's eyes went wide, "but the Dire Magnus had a plan to bring himself back to life- at least, that's what I heard while we were being held prisoner."

"Save it!" Rafe snapped, "you're a spy. You betrayed us all. You gave Kate to them and let them torture her. You let them put her in that electric chair!"

"Please.. the Dire Magnus makes you do terrible things..." Robert's words were a lie but the fear in his voice was real. He knew who Rafe was. He knew what Rafe had once been. He knew that he was in danger now.

"I don't believe you," Rafe said, "I think you were seeking power. I think you're evil."

"Ok fine, I made a deal with the Dire Magnus! But you of all people should know what that's like! Have mercy," Robert pleaded.

Rafe's eyes narrowed, "I did what I did for love, to save someone. You only save yourself, and have no love in your heart."

Robert was trembling now. There was something deadly and monstrous in those emerald green eyes that was fixed on him. He had thought the Dire Magnus was the most terrifying being in the world, but he had been wrong. It was with Rafe glaring at him that he truly knew fear.


"You don't get to ask for that. You hurt Kate," Rafe spat, then, too quickly to be stopped, he slammed his fist into Robert's face. He felt sticky blood begin to pour from his nostrils, he felt the crack of bone, of a broken nose. Then Rafe pulled back as Robert crumpled under the force of his hatred.

He clutched his nose, Rafe's punch hurting even more than Kate's had. But Rafe had no compassion in his eyes. He simply snapped his fingers and ropes bound Robert's hands and legs together so he was lying on his side, unable to move. The ropes were too tight and cut into his skin painfully.

"For a moment I planned to set you of fire and watch you burn. I planned to send a thousand bolts of lightning through your veins," Rafe sneered, "but then I realized that for you there would be a worse punishment. You believe power is all that matters, so now you will spend the rest of your life powerless, locked in a cell. The magical council will find you and condemn you and make sure you live the rest of your life in misery."

Then he magically put an invisible weight on Robert's meek form to ensure he couldn't escape before waking away.

True to his word, Rafe returned quickly. He found as soon as he got back that Kate had awoken. Her siblings were taking turns hugging her and helping her stand because her body was still so weak from the torture. 

Rafe sped up when he saw her, dashing to her side. Her eyes met his and a smile, the most beautiful smile Rafe had ever seen, broke through her face. 

"You're alive," she whispered, her voice still hoarse, "it worked. You're here."

"All thanks to you," he said. 

Kate launched herself forward, her arms going around his neck. On instinct, his arms wrapped around her too, so he was holding her still shaking form up. She rested her head in the crook of his shoulder. Happy tears began to stream down Rafe's face and the anger melted away from the moment.

They were alive, and themselves, and together. Finally.

A/N: Robert got his nose broken and Rafe and Kate have been reunited! 

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