Chapter seventeen: Grayson

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“Live free or die.”

― Lauren Oliver, Requiem

Grayson walked through the hallways of his new school. He had no idea where he was going and he had no idea where he needed to be, but that kind of stuff wasn’t on his mind. It hadn’t been there for a long time. He just followed Caleb, who probably also didn’t know where they needed to be.

It was somehow ironic how the two boys walked. They seemed pretty casual, the usual bad boys in the school; but they were everything accept casual. Let’s just not talk about ‘bad boys’ because then it will get pretty confusing.

‘What does it mean?’ Grayson asked. It began to become a mantra, because he had asked it like hundred times. ‘The first part is obvious, I know, but what does that “high school love” mean?’

‘I don’t know,’ Caleb said. The standard answer. He had said it to Grayson like a hundred times, but he still didn’t stopped asking. ‘I asked my dad f he knew anything about who mom dated when she was in high school, but I guess my mom dated a lot of guys who my dad didn’t like, so he didn’t want to talk about her and all the boyfriends she had.’

‘I guess it’s hard without your mom hanging around,’ Grayson said.. ‘Even harder with a killing psychopath behind your back.’ Grayson smiled. ‘I think we have a pretty good chance at unmasking this guy.’

Caleb gave him a weird look. ‘Boy, did you take any drugs or something like that? You seem way too positive. What class do we have?’ Caleb noticed that they were walking in circles.

Grayson said that he didn’t know and he opened his bag to seek the paper on what his classes were. Instead of that, he found some other papers. Grayson stopped walking and got all of them out of his bag. ‘Are those yours?’ He asked Caleb. That guy took a paper from the floor. The bell ringed, what a sign was that they were late, but they didn’t mind.

‘Those aren’t mine,’ Caleb said. ‘They’re Kaithlyn’s.’

‘What?’ Grayson took a paper from the ground and searched for a name. it was indeed Kaithlyn’s test, but Grayson saw another thing. Kaithlyn got an ‘I’ on her test, which was impossible. ‘I think they’re making words,’ he said and he took another test. This one had a ‘C’ on it. Pretty soon they lay down all of the letters. Now there was ICOAMINGYUWH. It was like an unsolved puzzle.

Caleb noticed ‘I’m’ and ‘You’and then it was easy. The message was ‘I’m watching you’.

The chills were all over Grayson’s body. They dared him to run away, to scream or to even move. He saw that Caleb took a look around him, but what Caleb didn’t saw, was the black shadow of a man walking away, with a phone in his hand, like he filmed all the things that just happened.

When they came out of the school, they had passed two more hours of detention, because they were too late in two classes. One of them they didn’t even come to and the other one they were too late, because they had followed the shadow. But eventually they had stopped, when they remembered that they needed to go to class, because otherwise they would get a big punishment for being late.

So Caleb wanted to go by his mom and see if she could tell them anything useful. He probably thought that she was doing really well. Grayson didn’t thought that, but he didn’t want to disappoint his friend, so he went with him.

But when they came in the hospital, they got the message that Caleb’s mom was doing really well, but that she was saying weird things. They wrote some of it down for the cops, but they couldn’t get anything of it. Maybe they could. Grayson asked if they could see those words and they could. It was written in a messy handwriting, like it was written extremely quickly, and it probably was, but they could still read the words.

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