Chapter 14

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Aye it's kind of a filler and really sappy and badly written but aye.


"It hurts." Vic whimpered. His hands traced over his burns, puss oozing out of some while others looked like they were just going to fall off of his body. I found it in me to buy ointment to help with his burns, considering I'm the cause of them.

"Then come here, loser. I'm going to put this on you." I wiggled the tube in front of him, smiling as his eyes went wide. I never hated Vic, but was hanging onto the fact that he ratted me out. I've tried to let that go so Vic can trust me.

I want to be trusted.

He scooted onto the spot next to me on my parents old bed, showing me his marks. Slowly, I rubbed the cream all over his wounds.

I missed how his face screwed up in pain, but I'd never say that. With everything in me, I'll try to repress the part of me that feels this way towards Vic's pain. His breath came out in shaky gasps as I rubbed more sensitive area. Mumbling a small sorry, I moved on to the other, lighter marks.

"Why are you doing this?" He asked me, puppy dog eyes finding mine like the direction was GPS' into his brain.

"Because I'm a stupid human being that makes stupid mistakes and tearing you apart could be one of them, or it could be putting you back together. But my brain really switches onto which one it wants to believe." I explained. "But if it makes you feel any better, I really love putting you back together."

He smiled his small- toothy smile and put his sleeve back down. We had just finished eating a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and watching stupid movies that I never took out of this house.

"Home videos? Oh, I'll like this." Vic said, putting it in. I tried to convince him out of it for the fear of fetus Kellin rolling up, but he was so excited to watch them so I let off.

~Home video//flashback//I really don't even know~

"Is that a new one?" I asked my dad, pulling on his paints and pointing to the device in his hands.

"Of course! New camera, new house, and look at your moms new hair!!" I quickly turned my head over to my mom rocking a short bob cut. Her hands were shaping her face as she was trying to make a cute pose.

"I think I look like a 12 year old boy." She said, putting her hands down in disappointment.

"My twelve year old boy." My dad joked. With that, they kissed each other like they did Almost every time they make eye contact.

People say they're in love, and I think that too.

~End of whatever that was~

"I thought you didn't like your parents." Vic commented.

"I hate them. This was when things were good. When we lived in Florida." Vic nodded, awkwardly placing his hands in his lap. "Things got bad when we moved here. Hell, we moved because my mom cheated on my dad with her client."

~ Another Flashback you say~

"Maybe if you weren't such a slut we wouldn't have to move here!!" He was yelling again, and I didn't like how his shouting reached down to my room in the basement. My mom cried out something inaudible and I tried to go to sleep again, but glass broke.

He was real mad now.

Steps echoed as he pressed harder and harder on the steps that led to my room and as tightly as I pressed my eyes together, something told me he wouldn't care if I was asleep or not.

That something was proven correct as he lifted me off the bed, breath plastering my face as he moved closer.

"Do you have any complaints about the new place? Tell me, faggot boy, do you have anything to say about the new home that I picked out for us to be a family in?" He said through gritted teeth. I shook my head.

"Ungrateful like your mother, wouldn't expect anything less." He kneed me in the stomach and pushed me on my bed. He was done for the night, but he was only getting started. My father hated my mother and I, but not as much as we fucking hated him.


"You know what's weird?" A small voice came from beside me.

"What is that?" I asked.

"I want to kiss you right now, and I've felt this feeling before but I want to kiss you so bad. I mean, it's not hard. Your lips are right there and here I am thinking what a good idea it is to kiss the person that yanked me away from my life." He explained.

"I never said you couldn't kiss me. I'm actually not that opposed to it." I joked.

"But I am. Well, not really, because I am thinking about it a lot. It isn't normal. I want to kiss my kidnapper. Is that nor-"

I interrupted him with my lips, and he interrupted my thoughts by responding to my kiss. Climbing in his lap, I laced my fingers in his hair to bring me even closer. My legs wrapped around his small- muscly waste as my lips moved faster against his.

His small teeth nibbled on my bottom lip and not much after that I felt his tongue in my mouth. My hand lowered down to his neck where I found my hands trailing down his back. He but my lip, the fleshy skin slipping through his teeth like velvet. I moaned, and a few seconds later when I did that,

He moaned.

I pulled away, forehead resting on his like I could slip if it wasn't.

"I liked that." He whispered, most of it coming out as adjusted breaths.

"I like you." I admitted, kissing him again.

"You're the person that I'm terrified of, but I can't help to feel like I like you too."

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