Chapter 13

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Detective Gaskarth's POV

"It's like you're not even trying with this one." Jack yelled. He was my partner on this case, and the worst one at that. He was so persistent, which with time, will wear away.

"His parents have been missing for two years and I have no doubt that he has something to do with it. That's all I have. No tire marks. No evidence. Anything! You want me to do something when I have nothing!" I argued. Jack's hands curled up into fist as his cheeks puffed up. He was getting angry, but I could care less. This guy was so selfish. A selfish guy who thought he could save everyone.

"We searched his house. He left everything other than kitchen equipment and some food. Also, his closet was empty. Finger prints littered the entire place, so he obviously didn't care." I reasoned. Finally, Jack was listening to me. "He had a plan room that gave us all of the people that he killed. Something connected his victims, they were all suicidal and his patients. With that, we have nothing. No new location. Nothing."

"I want to search his house again. We must be missing some sort of clue. Anything." He pleaded.

"Are you seriously trying to out think a murder? If he left anything, we would have seen it and knowing past cases, he wouldn't dare leave a single clue as to his whereabouts." Jack rolled his eyes.

"Knowing past cases, I have an understanding that you all have over looked important stuff before. Whose to say it won't happ-"

"Listen! I'm to say it won't happen again, but if you want to strip that entire house from head to toe looking for a dildo that might happen to point in his direction, then be my guest. But I swear to god if you waste time I'll never let you hear the end of it." I interrupted.

"I'll search where I want to search, okay?! If I feel like anything, and I mean anything will get me closer than we are now, than I might as well jump on it. It's more then you're doing. Trying to act like sitting on your ass is so fucking helpful."

"Search it, okay! Search every little cabinet and crevasse that you can find because I know that it must hold some importance, right?!" Jack walked away, slamming the door right behind him. I'd be lying if I said that the sound of wood slamming against wood wasn't reassuring. He hates me, I hate myself, and I'll agree with everything in between.


Jack's POV

Angry tears steamed down my face as I walked away from yet another fierce argument with satan himself. Fucking Alex Gaskarth will be the death of me, no matter how wise and experienced he is in his field. Fuck his experience, I have something in me called hope and that's what matters when something this big happens.

I don't care how much he is dismissing something like this, but I know that we are missing something and I will not be responsible for one more death. Sure, he's dormant. For now. It's not like there's a serial killers anonymous, the only way they stop is if they're locked away;


I will not show sympathy with someone who does not deserve it. For fucks sake he's killed 13 girls, ages 13-22. This can't just pass by, no matter how common people may think it is.

My hand rubbed against Kellin Quinn's old house. Even feeling the wood that he once touched made me sick. The crime scene was closed off, but only a piece of tape blocked me from opening that door. So, I sliced through it and got closer to what was making me feel so buggy.

Everything was left as it was the last time that I saw it, except for a few random objects on the floor due to a frantic search a month ago. It seems as if I'm the only one who won't let this run away from me.

I went to the first place that was giving me a spidey sense; his planning room. Walking around the room, I got on my knees to inspect underneath the desk.

"Fuck!!!" I yelled as I felt a sharp pain in my knee. I flung myself onto my back a held my injured leg close to me. My hands searched for where the pain was at, fingers landing on a huge bump on my right knee. I yanked on it, wincing as the object was ejected from my body. Only a few blood droplets came from the wound, but it hurt like hell.

"A tack. A fucking tack." I muttered. Looking up, I inspected the original whereabouts of this fucker.

There was a poster. It was simple; purely white with a red splash on it.

I swear to god if that's blood

My suspicion was proven wrong as I ran my hand over the dried paint.

But one edge of the painting was falling down, probably from the storming that they had in here. Of course, they didn't pay attention to something so little.

So little as to a falling edge of a poster that looked like blood was splattered on it.

I carefully took down the other tacks, not wanting to damage any evidence. There was nothing but a wall there. My hope fell very quickly, until I noticed it. With my detective eyes, I saw the difference between the wood underneath the poster verses the wood around it.

It wasn't very noticeable, but one was lighter, and it was the one underneath the poster.

So I pushed at the wood, amazed how the wood fell out of place. All of my faith came back as I stuck my hand in the wall. My fingertips brushed over old paper and I carefully pulled it up to my view.

It was a map

A map that had a house with a strong basement in it and was built 57 years ago.

So I did research on the address and figured that the bills are payed on time by someone named Ben. Ben Smith. He has kids and a wife.

But my god, this sounds like our guy.


So at the top is a picture of the house that Kellin keeps Vic in, ayyyeee.

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