Chapter 19

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Vic's POV

It was like I wasn't there, but fully aware at the same time. I wish I could be in the same hazy state while I was cleaning the mess I made. Honestly, I have never been one to do so good at the sight of blood or sickness. Now I have the ability to control both of them, and I'm trying to be scared about it, I really am. Just, it feels like my fear has flown away about liking what I just did, and moved to how I'm going to hide it.

For his body, I think right here would be just fine. There was a small hill leading into a steady stream with a walkway. All I really had to do was just sort of, well, roll him. In order to do so, I had to find some gloves or anything to hide my finger prints on his body.

That, and I have to be careful about where his blood is at in the car. It was mostly in the drivers seat, but said seat was covered in leather, not cloth. At least it should be easier to clean.

Opening up his glove department, I saw a few pairs of elbow length, rubber gloves. I slid them slowly onto my fingers, making sure all five of them where in the right place before moving over to my right hand. After both of my hands were fully covered, I then began to work on moving his larger frame out of the car.

It wasn't that hard to shove him out onto the pavement. Being paranoid, I'd look around me every five seconds to make sure a car hasn't magically appeared.

I wasn't a very athletic person, the most sports I've done being soccer in elementary school. So, picking him up was out of the equation. I just had to do my best to get him to the edge of the road and push him off.

Soon enough, he was teetering off the edge and the small hill, so all I had to do was give him a small shove. So, I did just that, a small smile sneaking onto my lips as leaves crunched under his weight.

My joy was short-lived though, as more fear creeped in about the blood in his truck. Sure, it was mostly on his side, but there was also some on my hands and on Kellin's shirt. I didn't have any more clothes other than the jacket that was left in the dead mans truck, but I had to make do with what I had.

A lightbulb flashed over my head as I realized that this man probably had some cash in his car. His wallet was in the cup holder and thankfully, not his pocket. Grabbing greedily at the leather, I snapped open the two folds to reveal a large wad of cash. Looks like it was pay day for him.

$500 lay in that wallet, along with his driver license and pictures of what I'm assuming is his wife. Lucky for me, I didn't see any photos of kids, so I didn't feel that bad.

His name was Jerry. Jerry Daniels. I didn't bother to ask before, but it just seemed like it mattered now that I'm the reason he's dead.

And as I was cleaning out his truck, I came to the conclusion that I actually liked that power. I loved the control I felt, having someone else's life placed directly in my hands, only to slash the person holding said life into the ground.

I really don't regret what I did, and I don't think that I'll find it in me to do so.

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