Chapter 11

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Kellin's POV

I hate grocery stores. With a passion, I hate grocery stores. If it wasn't for the fact that I need food to live, I wouldn't step a foot in this damned place.

I grabbed bread and lunch meats, along with condiments and microwaveable dinners. As you can tell, I'm a very good cook. A fake smile laid on my face and a ring on my finger. I'm a happy man who's happily married to a girl. We have two kids and I conveniently keep pictures of both of them in my wallet.

"Sir?" A small voice came up from behind me. My head snapped around to see a small boy. "Excuse me, sir. I need those lunchables on the top shelf." He whispered quickly.

"Here, I got ya." I said, picking him up so he could pick the box he wanted.

"Thank you so mu-"

"Lucas! Where have you been!?" An obviously very angry mother yelled at him. She snagged his wrist and yanked him by her side, a whimper coming from his mouth as she did so.

"He just wanted a lunchable. I was helping him get it." I explained, trying to hide my anger at this horrible mother.

"Fucking hell Lucas I told you! I can't afford lunchables. You get a sandwich." She yelled, yanking him in the other direction of me.

"Mam! I have 10$. Let the kid get a few snacks."

"No it's okay. Little shit doesn't need them anyway." I gripped the money tighter.

"I insist." My teeth clenched together almost painfully. "Take the money so Lucas can eat what he wants."

Throwing the money in her face, I prayed that she used that money for him and not for her.

Sure, we needed more food but my anger was almost boiling over so I needed to get out of here and to my home as soon as I can. None of the lines were completely empty, making me wait for over 10 minutes.

As I grudged against that lady, I wanted her dead. Of course I had no plan and really didn't feel like making one up in the spare of the moment. Those always fuck me over.

Only two registers were open, so I had to wait. My knuckles were turning white from holding onto the shopping cart so tightly. Sweat started to line my forehead, something that is very common when I get angry.

Breathing didn't help, but I know something that would.


Vic's POV

Fifth punch. I almost thought he liked me. Almost thought I'd just be trapped here. Almost thought these bruises would heal.

"Please stop." I cried.

And he stopped. Hands clenched to his sides and tears falling downward, he held back every punch or kick he had in mind. Either my cry broke him, or he was taking a break.

But now he was crying more. Pure, porcelain tears. I wanted to yell at him, hit back while I had the chance, but the rest of me wanted to hug him and tell him to stop crying. He isn't a normal person, Vic. He's your worst nightmare; a monster.

They kept going until he collapsed onto the ground in racking sobs.

"I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. Oh god, I'm so sorry. I'm sorry for all those people I killed and I'm sorry for hitting you I'm sorry I'm a monster I'm sorry."

"What's wrong with you?" I yelled at him.

"I f-fucking b-b-eca-me my d-dad."

His dad. The one that used to hit him.

"Look I'm not saying it's okay and I'm sure as hell not forgiving you, but calm down for a second. Stop and think for a little." I persuaded him.

He cried some more until his tears were absent and all he had left was small puffs of air.

He was so frail, and for once, I didn't want to break him.


This hurt to write because I just saw Sleeping With Sirens and Pierce The Veil and picturing Kellin cry tears me up inside so ow ow ow.

I love you guys and I'm gonna go make myself a tortilla of blankets if that's okay.

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