Extra #1

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Felix's Pov

It starts with a name.

Then a will.

Whatever person or reason it may be. I'll make their soul mine. Well, my father's at least.. I wasn't born a human so the thought of sympathy or emotion do not appeal to me. However, the only thing that ever appealed to me in anyway is the color of a soul. I've seen Blues, reds, greens, and yellows. All kinds of colors in all my years. Only for them all to be faded in the burning fires and tormented for the rest of eternity..

"Your on a role Lix."
"Am I?" I smirk looking to a brunette haired boy who sits down gracefully a distance away from me.
"You've casted 100 souls in a month.. most are at 50.."
"I did that last month."
"No wonder your the successor to our king."
"Your not interested in becoming a successor Haechan?"
"I could...But I like following along helping torture the souls here. Its simple and satisfying."
"Your truly a demon."
"Thank you~ Ah, theres a new request." He says excitedly.
"What is it?"
"A girl. Zoey Cross. Says she wants to kill herself but wants to make it interesting so shes asking us."
" Interesting... "
"Are you going to go?"
" I'll go. But I probably won't make a deal."
"What if her soul has 2 colors?" Haechan smirks.
"Than I'll do my best to bring her back dead, but I highly doubt thats the case.."
"Good luck."

And within seconds Im transferred to a dimly lit room. Along with girl who laid on a messy bed looking away from me pouting. I knock on the wall behind me and she snaps her head in my direction.

"W-who are you!? H-how did you get in here?" She says obviously shocked to see me.
"My name is Felix. Im the demon assigned to you." I say keeping my composure.
"A demon?.."
"Why are you so surprised? You asked for me to make a deal and you got me." I smirked, "Now, You want to kill yourself?"
"Yes." I began approaching her.
" Why don't you do it yourself than?"
"It's too original." She says boldly, which brings me to chuckle.
"You have a point. I've seen a couple souls with great sins come in that way.. Its all the same. But your interesting, I'll give you that.."
"So we making the deal or what."
"Your so antsy... Im not sure I even want to make this deal with you. I don't think its worth it."
"Excuse me?"
"You see. Its no fun killing someone if they want to be killed. I want to hear them scream out in fear or rather see the look of regret on their face. Its satisfying. Therefore, Im not making this deal." I began to step back, and immediately she grabs my arm..
"No. I called you here. And your going to give me my wish."
"Oi, I don't think you get it. I can choose what deals I want. Nothing is set in stone so I don't owe you anything human." I pull her hand away immediately.
"Please. You have no idea what kind of life I live. Please. " she looked me with teary eyes. How ever it wasn't her eyes that got me to rethink. No, it was the color of her soul. Several beautiful colors blended together in perfect sync like art. Bright brusts of Blues and Greens pouring out at the seams.
" Tsk, so greedy. Fine. Lets make a deal thats accustom to the both of us, that is if you really want it.. But the thing is, there is no going back."
"Alright, what do you want?" I look down at her excited to see such vibrant colors I've never seen before.
"Im going to make your life so perfect you will hesitate at the word of death. And when you do, at which you will, I will take your life with my own hands and send you to hell."
" Theres no way you can do that, your not a god."
"I may not be, but I have the power like one. Things are easy when your the son of the Devil. Trust me on this. I'll give you everything you ever wanted only at the price of your soul. So what do you say? Zoey? Deal?"
She looks at me as I lay my hand before her. And with a sigh, she shakes it.
"Deal." I chuckle deeply.
"I'll see you around then.." And within a blink of an eye I transferred back into my dark room.
"Did you make the deal?"
"Thought you weren't going to do it?"
"I changed my mind. She'll be fun to play with."
"What color was she?"
" Blue and Green."
Haechan gasps standing up.
"We have to notify the King."
"My father will not know. Until I've killed her. I want it to be a suprise."
"If you wish." He says sitting back down.
"I'll kill her within the week."
"It only ever takes a week for you. You'll surely be the next king.." Haechan says smiling brightly.
"This is the last one?" I ask.
"You only needed three..As of 500 years ago you had 2 and this is the third soul with two colors..."
"Did father ever tell you why he needed them?"
"No. He only ever said they were valuable."
"I see. I'll be heading back to the surface soon. Keep this low. If any other demon finds out I have a soul like this one. They all be after her."
"My lips are sealed.."

My heart raced wildly within my chest. This is it. My time to prove myself. Everything I worked for led up to this. And now I will be rewarded after hundreds of years of searching and killing..

Our deal will be done, Zoey. And when it is at which it will. I'll make you beg for mercy. Like a wolf to a rabbit, your pleas are nothing. And I will end you.

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