When You Get Sick!

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First it started off as a painful sore throat, next it was your horrible headache, you felt hot all over, and just a tad nauseous.
Paul knew exactly what it was when you acted unusual when he opened your door in that morning to see if you were awake.
"(Y/N)..?" He whispered, seeing you curled up under your covers, shaking underneath, he saw your head out, eyes darting to him.
"Goodness me," He mumbled, walking to your bedside and brushing some hair out your face.
"M-my head hurts, daddy.." Your voice was dry and much quieter than normal, curling up your shoulders even more.
"Let me feel your forehead, sweetheart." Paul replied, placing the back of his hand on your forehead, feeling the warmth, pulling away in slight shock.
"There's no doubting you have a fever, here, let's make you more comfortable, yeah?" He said, helping you sit up and adjusting your pillows.
"How long will this last?" You asked, hugging your hedgehog stuffed animal , Jeremy, and looking up at him.
"Hmm, perhaps just a couple days, three? Four? But me and mum will make sure you feel better as soon as possible." Paul replied, "Now, I will go on and make you some tea, and do you feel like you can eat breakfast?"
You shook your head.
"Just let me know when you feel like you can, I'll go ahead and call your school, telling them you won't be going. And you try to get as much rest as you can, it'll do you well. Alright?"

So, you had a pretty bad stomach bug, every child's nightmare.
John doesn't normally know how to comfort those who are sick, so all he could do.. is leave your mum to tell him what to do.
"Papa!" You called out to him, sitting up from your bed and holding your purple monster stuffed toy.
"Okay, hun, what do I do?"
"John, it's not that complicated, just go and give her/him their toast and coconut water."
John nodded, taking the tray and walking up the stairs into your bedroom, looking down at your sick body.
"Hey there, you, feelin' any better?" John asked, placing the tray on your nightstand.
"No.. and I don't want you to stay downstairs." You replied, "Sing for me?"
John furrowed his brows in thought, before he started to sing A Hard Days Night.
"Again!" You cheered once he finished.
"How about you eat your toast, you silly gal/boy." John replied, shaking his head, though he couldn't deny his smile.
"I just love your voice, papa, how are you so good?" You asked.
John paused, a thinking silence was in the room, until he responded.
"Ask anyone but me, I'll get ya' nowhere.

Prepare for best Doctor-Dad of the year.
It was usually hard for you to get sick because you weren't around other kids who were bound to be sick, because you were homeschooled.
But, you came down with a common cold, and you were sniffling and curled up in your bed, holding your kitty stuffed animal, Abby, while George was reading to you.
"And, ever so slightly he-" George got cut off by you speaking,
"Yes?" George turned his attention up to you, placing the open book in his lap.
"How can I have a hug without someone to hug?"
"What kind of question is that? Oh.. you're trying to get me to hug you." George said, grinning a little at his clever child.
"I'm not getting sick by you."
"You won't! I promise!" You urged him, hugging Abby tighter.
"How can you promise me?" He asked, now curious on how this would go.
"Hugs are my promise."
"If I do this, you better take care of me, you better give me anything my heart desires. Especially when I'm an old man, your lover better deal with you taking care of me." George said, furrowing his brows.
"Daddy, just hug me before I sneeze on you."

Time for Ringo's worst nightmare, his child getting sick, as you might know, Ringo was sick for the beginning of his life and is afraid of Germs. So, of course this poor man is going to worry.
"It's because of that school, you know what? Maybe we should teach her/him ourselves-" Ringo was trying to tell your mum, who shook her head and grabbed his shoulders, stopping him.
"Richard, calm down, (Y/N) really wants you to see her/him." She told him, softly nudging him twords the stair case.
You didn't like how this fever felt one bit, all you wanted was Ringo, which is why you changed your stuffed turtles name to Ringo so you'd feel better.
"Love?" Ringo said, knocking at the doorway and grinning shyly at you.
"Are you mad at me?" You asked, looking almost guilty.
"No, no.. (N/N), why would you say that?" He asked quietly, sitting at your bedside, something he normally wouldn't do by a sick person.
"I tried doing what you told me.." You answered, softly.
"Well.. I'm here.. I'm here to take care of you."
"Yeah, you know I love you, I'm your dad, I'm supposed to take care of you." Ringo was terrified of getting sick, but he loves you, and ended up getting you everything you needed and wanted, ending up with Ringo falling asleep by your bedside, head rested on his arm, on his knees.

Sorry if there's any spelling mistakes.
Sweet Everything, My Peanuts! SLASH!~--

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