Black rabbit.

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After what felt like months, Chanyeol finally finished with me. I could barely walk but I still managed to get to my room and cry myself to sleep..

Hours passed. I checked the time it was 1:23 in the morning, and I didn't hear any noise. I'm guessing Chanyeol is asleep or went to fuck another one of his sluts... so I decided to go to my happy place again.

Once I got there I sat down next to the pond, Looking up at the beautiful moon that caused the beautiful blueish moonlight.

"You like to come here too?" Asked a rather familiar voice.

I quickly turned around and saw Yoongi hyung.

"Oh yeah, I love coming here it helps me.. clear my mind" I answered his question.

He just nodded and sat down next to me.

I looked at him and then back at the pond. I noticed a black and a white swan dancing together in the pond. I imagined dancing someday like that with my true true love. Yoongi suddenly snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Wow look at that beautiful black swan" he said

"Yes it is indeed very beautiful" I said mesmerized by the two beautiful swans

Suddenly I heard ruffling in the bushes, I saw the cute white baby bunnies come to me again like they always do. They all snuggled up against my thighs and waist, but I heard something else ruffle inside the bushes again. Suddenly a gorgeous adorable black baby bunny came out, it was the most adorable thing I've ever seen!

"Aw.. come here baby" I said telling the black bunny to come to me.

It slowly and cautiously came to me. Once it got to me the white bunnies ran away.

"Weird.." i thought to myself.

I gently picked up the black bunny and I fell in love with it. It was so innocent and adorable I wanted to keep it! And it gripped onto my shirt and didn't let go.

"I guess you feel the same? Huh lil guy?" I was very happy in that moment, I felt like I was actually loved for the first time ever.

Suddenly Yoongi said something that made me laugh a little.

"I'm not one to judge but, are you speaking to a bunny?!" He said just confused as fuck.

I laughed slightly, showing my bunny smile.

"No it just feels like I have a connection with it that's all" I said sincerely.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 11, 2020 ⏰

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