Love or hate.

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It was the last class of the day, History. We had finished all of our work the previous day so our teacher Mr. Han promised we'd watch a movie since we were ahead of every other class. I was originally planning on just taking a nap for the hour, but the title of the movie caught my attention...


I've heard of myths about Lucifer around the school before, but I've never believed in those types of rumors. After all it's just a movie, Lucifer isn't real.. right?

Class was over, and so was the movie. It was actually quite interesting.. it was about a girl who has a mental disorder and had met the love of her life, who tried to fix her. What she didn't know was that the incredibly sexy and handsome man she fell for, had a very very very dark side to him.

I imagined as if I were in the girls place, I wanted to have someone like that.. a person who'd love me to the end, someone to save me from this hell.. even if that person had a dark side..

I snapped out of my thoughts as I realized I was the only one left in the building, sighing taking my bag and making my way to my beautiful happy place. It's the only place where I can imagine pure happiness, the gorgeous pond's waterfall was the most soothing relaxing sound to hear. The sight of the beautiful cherry blossoms falling from the Sakura trees. It was just so gorgeous and relaxing, nobody comes here which makes it better. Although I do have days where I wish someone would come through, as the beautiful rays of sun hit my cheek, sun kissing my skin.

About an hour passes by and I had to head home before Chanyeol got home.

Once I got home, the harsh smell of drugs and alcohol hit me. Chanyeol was home.. and incredibly intoxicated.. I was scared for my life, I tried to tiptoe to my room but he heard me and grabbed a fistful of my hair.

"Where were you? With another man? You dirty slut." He stated, his breath reeked of alcohol.

"N-no I was a-at school.." I said scared that he was going to beat me.

Chuckling darkly he said "You pathetic slut.. you think you can fool me?! Huh?!"

I didn't have enough time to tell him that I didn't do anything wrong before he slapped me sending me on the floor with tears in my eyes. He then proceeded to beat me for what felt for hours.. suddenly he grabbed ahold of my neck his grip tight. He dragged me to his bedroom and threw me on his bed...

I knew what this meant.. oh no please no anything but this!..

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