Level Up

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A few months after the whole debacle with my dad, and I'm finally aloud to host parties again. Of course they aren't as fun when I don't get to take the drugs but I promised Zoe. I've thought about her a lot lately and I want to see her. I thought maybe a party would draw her in, she would get the hint.

I guess my plan worked. A few minutes after the party really started to pick up she walked in dressed in a ravishing gray suit. She walks over to the bar and gets some sort of concoction. I start to make my way over.

"Hey cutie~ what's your name?" I joke. Zoe turns to me with a stone look on her face.
"Why come over here so quickly, you gonna tackle me again." I'm confused until Zoe points to her chest and mouths the word wire.

I nod my head.
"Seriously, why would your gang send the same spy? You guys are so idiotic." I play along.
"Because your going to come with me." Zoe says and takes out handcuffs making a clicking noise. "Ow what are you doing!" She acts. I smile and she reaches into her shirt to pull out the mic. "Stop! I have people waiting outside! They'll shoot you if you do anything to me!" She says Into the mic before dropping it in her drink. I laugh and wrap my hands around her neck. Normally she would be to tall for me to do this, but I have heels on. She leans her forehead against mine and lets out a small laugh, "I missed you." She says. I smile. Suddenly she pulls away.
"Is everything okay?" I ask resting my hand on her cheek. She looks at me.
"I can't help but feel your acting with me, I don't know you that well. You took my brother...I just. I'm sorry it's hard for me to trust you." She breaths out. I frown
"I have not had any drugs since my last party." I say. She looks down at me surprised. I tug her by the collar of her suit and press my lips against hers. She leans into me with force and I'm surprised by the strength of her desire. I pull back surprised and she looks at me weird.
"Aw you can't get me that easy." I tease her, I always play these little games with everyone who wants me. She stares at me with lust and breaths heavily, her mouth hangs open. She is so fun to mess with.
"You better get out there before you gang comes in for you." I say and wink at her. I walk away into the dancing rave of a party and she stands there shocked. I usually feel excited after these experiences. But I want to go back to her. She's not like the other tools I use. I bite my lip and head to my room to get some shut eye.


What just happened... I stand at the bar longing to explore Cara... but she just walked away. What does she mean I can't get her that easily? I feel confused. The way she grabbed my collar was like she wanted me more than anything else, but she left? I go to the bathroom to clear my thoughts.

I wash my face and realize the remanence of her lipstick is still on my mouth. I wipe it off before heading back to my gang.

I get into the van where Rachel sits with Jim. They both look at me shocked and worried. I sit back discombobulated and stare at the ceiling.
"Are you okay?" Rachel asks.
"I knew we shouldn't of put you out there! The boss was wrong about you being the best choice because she pitied you! Ugh I shouldn't of let this happen... hello? What did she do to you?" He yells. Rachel stares him down telling him to back off. I stay starring the the ceiling of the van and we drive off in silence.


"Come on, you can tell me. What did she do?" Rachel questions me while I sit in my room. She's resting on the bed with me and trying to get it out of me. I haven't said much since last night. I shake my head one last time and Rachel sits back frustrated.

Then a devilish grin appears on her face.
"You like her don't you?" She asks. I turns to her with mouth open, nothing to say.
"Wh-" I start.
"You smelled like strawberries when you got in the van, you don't wear perfume, and you wouldn't of let her take your mic that easily. You like her!" She shouts. I sit back and groan.
"Ugh, why..." I say putting a pillow over my head. Rachel laughs victoriously.
"Aw, a gang leader and a spy falling in love."
"I wouldn't call it that." I say pushing the pillow off my face, "she did something confusing last night, she made out with me than suddenly laughed saying 'you can't get me that easily' I mean what does that even mean." I say flustered. Rachel gasped.
"She's is playing hard to get!" She squeals jumping up and down. I lift and eyebrow. "That means she really wants you." Rachel explains.
"Really?" I ask hopefully. Rachel nods.
"You have to go to her house! You have to take charge, don't be controlling though because then you seem desperate. But be like smooth." Rachel babbles on.
"Wait, woah woah woah. You do realize we are enemies. If I go knocking on her door, I'll get tackled by her her dogs or her guards." I explain. Rachel sits back and thinks for a few seconds. Then she splurts out, "I have an idea!"

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