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Whenthey headed down Castiel was happily lifting the collar of Dean'sshirt to inhale the smell of parchment, earth, and cloves that clungto his hunter no matter what. Covered in sweat, fresh from theshower, splattered with blood, dripping with ectoplasam, no matterwhat he still could sense that and it always was there even ifcovered.

He never thought to wear his hunter's clothing but he loved it. Likehaving Dean near him while he wore this AC/DC shirt. Though havinghis precious Dean so close was the best thing ever to him. Dean wasalready acting almost angelic, like any angel mate when their loverwas carrying a fledgling. Dean's hand was at the small of Castiel'sback, wrapping around slightly to grip his hip. It would show anyonelooking who knew angelic mating that Castiel was irrevocably hisand that Dean would lay down his life to protect him and theirfledglings.

When they got down Dean had already called Sam who was coming backfrom where he had gone looking for Castiel, worried something waswrong, that he was in danger. Castiel did feel guilty for putting hismate and brother through that-as Sam was just as much Castiel'sbrother as he was Dean's now-but it couldn't be helped. He had to dothis.

"Cas!" Sam gasped seeing him and hurried over to pull him into ahug, Dean's hand slipped from his back but he kept his fingers rightthere, against Castiel's outer thigh. A promise that he was rightthere. Castiel squeezed Sam once before pulling away and smiling."Where have you been, man? We were worried sick!"

"In my nest." Castiel answered and Sam blinked confused, the ideaof a little blue jay wearing a tie flashed though his head.


"Cas was up in the attic this entire time, Sam, he grabbed a bunchof my clothes and just made himself a bed." Dean explained thenfrowned, moving his arm back to wrap around his angel's waist.

"Wh-what? Why?!"

"Because baby bro is going to have a baby of his own!" All threejumped and turned to the voice, Dean moved Castiel behind him holdinghis body out so that there was no way anyone could possibly get tohim while Sam was ready for a fight but both brothers gasped whileCastiel couldn't see. But as Dean didn't make any move, either toattack or to push Castiel back to safety he knew it must not havebeen a threat so peeked from around his mate's shoulder and wentstock still himself.

"G-G-G" Sam couldn't get past that sound, the G sticking in histhroat bobbing painfully.

"Hehe, hiya Samshine." Gabriel managed to get out lookingcontrite; more like a little boy who was caught with his hand in thecookie jar than one of heaven's most fearsome warriors who had gonefor centuries being a trickster who doled out punishments as he sawfit.

"Gabriel." Sam finally was able to get out and suddenly he was onhim, grabbing the front of his shirt, fisting the material and tryingto shake him even if he couldn't move the angel at all unless saidangel let him. "You asshole, you fucking asshole." Sam mutteredout looking down while Dean and Castiel blinked confused what wasgoing on.

"Sam," Gabriel whispered reaching up to cup his face and for justone moment Dean and Castiel had to deal with what they've beenputting Sam through for years. It felt like such a intimatemoment that they should look away but they couldn't as they were partof this conversation. Even if the two were lost in their own world.

If only Sam wasn't in the middle of a crisis this revenge would besweet.

"You've been alive this entire time?! You let me grieve you, youasshole! You let me grieve!" He growled out and Gabriel looked downlooking guilty.

"I know Samshine, I know. I couldn't get out of the Empty till nowsugar cube." He whispered and Sam blinked going stock still.Gabriel was dead then.

"Brother, what is going on?" He asked and Gabriel turned pullingSam against his chest as Dean blinked and he grinned.

"Well little Cassie, I am in charge of waking the dead!"He chuckled and leaning down to press his lips to Sam's forehead andDean frowned remembering how Sam had been both times Gabriel haddied. He feared for his brother, could he stand to lose him a thirdtime?

What comes in twos comes in threes.

But he wasn't going to say anything. He wouldn't let his baby brotherlose him, nor his mate lose his brother.

"But anyway little Cassie, I am more then anything the angel offertility, so there is a bonded pair in need of a little help to havea little nelphim." He hummed and Castiel and Dean's eyes widenedand he chuckled resting his head on Sam's shoulder.

"Y-you...made Cas pregnant?"

"No, I rather think it was your dick in his ass that did that."

"Gabriel!" "Sick, that is my brother!" "Seriously dude?"All three said to him at the same, more yelled but Gabriel justchuckled.

"You two would have a fledgling eventually, I just made it happen alittle easier." He promised and wrapped his arm around his ownmate's shoulders, "be glad that I am a good older brother, it washard to keep away from my darling little Samsquatch."

The fact that Sam looked wanting to yell at him again but wasobviously too happy to have his angel back to do that. It made Deansmile as he held his pregnant mate to his chest he swore to himself,making a vow that he would keep his mate and the fledgling he wascarrying, as well as his brother and his own mate safe.

And the fact that Sam hadn't quiet realized how deeply what he hadwith Gabriel ran he wouldn't say anything. Just smirk and chucklefrom time to time.

Gabriel! Imissed Gabe, and there is no way I'm not having him here.

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