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WhenDean woke up he was wrapped up around Castiel like he was a giantteddy bear. He was his huggy bear after all. Castiel was awakewatching him so that when Dean looked up the first thing he saw weretwo intense blue eyes.

"Hello Dean," Castiel whispered and Dean can't help but chucklepushing some of Castiel's hair off his forehead.

"Hey Cas," he smiled sitting up stretching and realizing that hewas naked and so was Castiel, which made sense as the two werecuddling and kept warm. "How about we get dressed and then havesome breakfast?" He offered and Castiel sat up watching the rippleof Dean's muscles as he stood up so he could stretch fully.

"Here." Dean said walking over to a dresser opening it andpulling out two sleep pants, one was marked with plaid red and orangeand yellow while the other was a plain navy blue. He tossed the blueto Castiel to put on while he pulled the plaid one up his own legs tocome rest on his waist. "Your clothes are way too uncomfortable torelax in." He said finding some shirts to put on.

"Is that why you hung up my coat?" He asked and Dean chuckledturning back to Castiel as he had a Metallica as well as a AC/DCshirt.

"I told you, your coat is important and deserves respect." Deananswered looking away from him, seeming to hesitate a way thatCastiel could easily see but he didn't understand why Dean was actinglike this. Sighing he walked over to Castiel leaning down to presshis lips against kiss him before handing him the AC/DC shirt to puton.

While he pulled on his Metallica shirt that had long ago ripped atthe sleeve so he had instead just cut the sleeves off before sewingaround to keep it from ripping then of course had to do the othersleeve just because having only one sleeve would look stupid.

Not as stupid as Sam with one shoe, but close.

What it did was it showed off his brand on his shoulder, showing theforever angry pink of the scar. It was so rare for that part of hisbody to be shown that it always made Castiel feel proud. He knew itwasn't something that Dean would like so never looked at the scar thefew times it was shown, but it always made him feel proud of himself.To have marked such a bright soul, such a good man. And when otherssaw it, it made him feel even better, showing that Dean was hisand Castiel could pretend for at least a little while that Dean wasjust as much his as the angel belonged to Dean.

But how he was acting now...maybe Dean was his.

"Dean?" Castiel asked as he pulled the shirt on over his head andDean's mouth went dry as he saw how it pulled across his chest. Deanwas right, he knew that the particular shirt of his would look goodon his angel, but didn't realize just how good it would look. Soinstead of speaking, as he wasn't sure that he had use of his voicefully, he made an affirmative noise.

"What are we Dean?" He asked and continued on before Dean couldbe confused, " don't normally continue on with one bedpartner for very long, but you said you love me-you've never saidthat about someone either." Dean frowned realizing and he sighedsitting down in the bed pulling his angel over, moving him to sit inhis lap so he could wrap his arms around him.

Dean wasn't that kind of guy, he wasn't a hold you and cuddle butwith Castiel, with his huggy bear, it was different. But he wasn'tchanging, he was still Dean, but it was another side of him. He wasstill himself and that was who Castiel needed, Castiel wanted who hewas and he knew exactly who Dean was. He wouldn't have to change tobe with his angel.

"Cas you heard what I said, I love you." He then let out achuckle, "I need you, I never need anyone; I never want toneed anyone but with you, I don't mind." He placed his chin on theblack hair and took a deep breath. "I am not good with labels, butyou're no one night stand Cas."

"I've heard the word boyfriends used when describing us."

"Yeah, I've heard that to." Dean agreed his hold on Castieltightening slightly as Castiel nuzzled against his hunter's neck.

"Is that what we are?"

"If you want to be." Dean couldn't help but smirk running onehand through his angel's dark locks, Castiel wasn't still, reachingup to slot his hand against Dean's scar. Dean answered humming, hecouldn't say why it was or how it was but it felt so relaxing.

"I want to be a couple." Castiel spoke clearly holding him andDean smiled leaning down to kiss Castiel's forehead.

"Then we will be."

"I love you Dean," Castiel answered holding him tighter, smirkinghe then added, "my mate."

"I love you to, Cas, my boyfriend." It didn't freak him out asmuch as it once did. Sure he had always been straight but withCastiel being a couple was what he cared about.

This is longerthen I expected but I think it was best that Cas and Dean givethemselves a heart to heart. To actually say it out loud, especiallywith how Dean is.

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