Chapter 6

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"That actually makes a whole lot of sense" stated a astonished Albus

"Albus and Scorpius your lucky that I work at the Ministry and people owe me some favours, so it will hopefully take me day to get a time turner but I don't know when that will be in your time so just please be careful and Scorpius?"

"Yes?" asked Scorpius

"Your dad was contacted as well and is very worried so please for the love of merlin be careful because I know Draco will most likely find a way to blame me so be careful yeah"

All that was heard was "Okay Mr potter" and "Bye dad."

Albus snorted and Scorpius looked at him funny

"He said favours like he's not Harry Potter and people will not do whatever he asks or says" Scorpius just shook his head.

"Whatever I say?" asked a slightly confused and nauseous Harry.

"Oh yeah" said Albus grinning

"You don't like people doing stuff for just because of your name so you usually work twice as hard to show people you got where you are because your good not because your Harry Potter but there are sometimes that you use it to an advantage" Albus ended nodding and still grinning.

"Like when?" asked Harry curiously

"James wanted something for his birthday but there was only one of the thing left and someone had already picked it up so you walked up to them" Albus stopped talking for dramatic effect.

"What did he do?" questioned two excited Weasley twins

"He smiled and said hello" Albus ended lamely.

"That's is?!" shouted an outraged Weasley twins

Laughing Albus replied

"What did you expect? Some big "Its me Harry Potter and I saved the world so give me that'? no he doesn't have to do that and he never would"

A bit relieved Harry smiled.

Then Harry's smile dropped when he registered that Albus said

"Saved the world?" he questioned "So Voldemort is gone in the future"

Albus looked towards Scorpius and they seemed to have a conversation with there eyes.

"We are going to wipe their memories so" stated Scorpius to Albus.

After a few seconds Albus replied to his dads question

"Yes he is gone, long before we were born"

"How long?" questioned Harry

"You defeated him in your 7th year"

"WHAT!" shouted Harry, while Hermione said

"Thats only two years from now, how did Harry do it?"

Albus then looked towards his name sake and said

"We might need some people here"

Curiously Dumbledore asked "Who?"

"The rest of the Weasley family" then he seemed to pause

"Remus, Tonks and Snuffles" and he tensed at the last three but not a lot of people saw it.

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