Chapter 4

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Everyone looked confused so Scorpius explained with a chuckle

"You're both very protective and both extremely sarcastic and sassy"

The people who knew Harry, Ron and Hermione, nodded at this whilst most of the Hall were confused so Ron tried to explain it to them

"Its mostly when Harry is mad or annoyed but he goes really sarcastic and sassy you won't get a proper answer out of him. If you see Harry being sarcastic or sassy even when he isn't in a mood or he is to you it means he comfortable with you and considers you a good friend" he ended with a smile.

Neville and Luna looked surprised but looked happy none the less because they didn't know Harry considers them friends but what really surprised people was Dumbledore was laughing and smiling as well.

It was the twins who spoke next with evil grins,

"Who is your mum?"

At this Harry again blushed but he was also curious but you really couldn't tell by looking at Albus because he looked so much like Harry.

At hearing this Albus got an evil grin on his face, it was honestly quite scary.

"Ginny Weasley-Potter"

Ginny and Harry went bright red while the Weasley brothers turned to glare at Harry but quickly stopped when they noticed Ginny and Ron glares.

"Harry is my best friend and there is no one better than him" Ron said in a threatening glare.

"Do you have any siblings?"questioned Fred

"And if so how many?" finished George

Harry and Ginny were still red.

With a laugh Albus answered

"I'm a middle child" was his answer, and seeing the twins glares he elaborated

"I have a older brother called James who is 19 he was a Gryffindor and is told that he looks a lot like Grandpa James"

Most of the professors smiled at that and so did Harry,

he continued "And I have a younger sister named Lily who is 14 and in Hufflepuff"

Most of the Hall were smiling at that fact that Harry named his children after his parents.

Albus did something did next shocked the Hall even more he grabbed Scorpius hand and gave him a squeeze and a smile, but if it were possible Scorpius shocked them even more, he squeezed Albus hand back but brought his other hand to Albus cheek and kissed him on the lips. It only lasted a few seconds before he stepped back and you could see that they were both smiling and if you looked close enough or just more observant people could see the love shining in their eyes breaking eye contact Scorpius turned to the Hall and introduced himself

"I'm Scorpius Malfoy"

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