Chapter 2

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Back in the Great Hall, three teenagers were eating breakfast and talking to each other. These three teenagers consisted of two boys and one girl. The first was was handsome, he had black hair and beautiful green eyes which were sadly covered up glasses. The boy next to him had ginger hair and pretty blue eyes and finally the girl had big, bushy hair and brown eyes  and seemed to be trying to read, putting her input on the two boys conversation if needed.

As Ron ,the ginger boy, went for a second piece of bacon a white, bright light covered the Great Hall leaving behind two boys.

Shocked silence soon covered the Great Hall, that was until a man who to the two newcomers was dead, stepped forward.

"Who are you and how did you get here?" he asked in a calm voice but the twinkle in his blue eyes was gone and his eyes harden.

Albus and Scorpius realised pretty quickly who this was and that they were screwed. After exchanging a look that didn't go unnoticed to the rest of the Great Hall, Albus stepped forward. Everyone in the Great Hall gasped now that they had actually looked at him. heads turned toward Harry at the Gryffindor table, which lead to Albus looking there as well and to his great surprise he was looking at the teenage version of his dad. People weren't kidding when they say he looked like his dad when they were younger.

Seeing that Albus was too busy looking at the Gryffindor table looking at people who he knew Scorpius was the one who spoke.

"Excuse me but can you tell me what year it is?" He asked even though he had a pretty good idea.

Confused as to why Dumbledore answered anyway.


This broke Albus out of his staring contest with two boys who looked like his uncle back in his time. Albus then looked towards Scorpius with a guilty and apologetic look on his face,

"We're screwed" was all he said for Scorpius to glare at him.

"Screwed? screwed no my dear Albus we are not screwed we are royalty fucked! We are in the past! Ours dads are going to kill us!" Seemly to have forgotten where they were Scorpius shouted at Albus.

People in the Great Hall gasped again at the mention of the past but because for the first time people really looked at the blonde and are now looking toward the Slytherin table at poor Draco Malfoy who seems to be really confused.

"Past?" Questioned Dumbledore but now his twinkle was back in mode and he seemed to be looking at the two boys in front of him in amusement. "So your from the future?" was the question he asked but came more as a fact or a statement.

The two boys quickly nodded.

"So why don't you introduce yourself " Dumbledore said with a smile.

"But won't that mess up the time line?" Questioned the boy with black hair, Albus.

It wasn't Dumbledore that nodded it was the boy next the Albus, Scorpius.

"Not unless when we get back home before that he take away everyones memories" Scorpius said with a nod to which Dumbledore nodded back.

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