Start from the beginning

We all shook our head no, as she nodded her head and told us that she'll be back.

I grabbed my drink, tearing the straw as I inserted it into the drink and took a sip. The cold lemonade was just right for my thirst.

"Now back to what I was saying," Tatyana continued. "If what the guy and I have something serious then I would feel no need to hide that from you but we just started to talk to one another. You know the guy but I can't tell you anything if it's not serious yet, you understand, Malaysia?"

I wondered if the guy she was referring to was Raheem. I've been peeping them out for a minute, and if it was true, I was here for it. Two good looking people with a nice career and seemed to be good friends to their friends was a GO for me.

"Yeah, I understand it now." Malaysia took a sip of her sprite before her eyes lit up causing her to put her drink down. "Guess what?"

"You bought me a puppy?" Leandra guessed.

"No." Malaysia laughed.

"You're going to let me dye your hair, red?" Tatyana added.

"Girl, never." Malaysia mugged her in a way. "What you think, Bre?"

"You're moving?"

"You're right, I put my last down payment on my house," She beamed. " So, I'm officially a homeowner!"

"Wow, that's amazing!" I cheesed. "Congratulations! I'm happy for you!"

It was truly an amazing accomplishment that I felt incredibly happy for her. Owning your own home was a huge goal for most people and I was one of those people so I truly felt happy about this for her.

"Thank you Bre," She grasped hold of my hand. "I still can't believe it, quite yet, until I receive the key is when I'll finally think it's all real!"

"I'm so happy for you, congratulations girl!" Leandra sincerely told her.

"Thank you." Malaysia's grin seemed to increase every time she talked about it. "I'm so shocked!"

"And you didn't tell me? I thought we were best friends?" She mocked Malaysia, before pulling her in for a hug. "I'm so happy and proud of this for you. You've been working on this for so long and finally! You deserve it so much. I want to cry right now..."

"Thank you so much," Her eyes watered. "I've been holding that in until yesterday is when I received the news. I didn't want to tell anyone what I've been doing until I truly believed it was it. I've been working on buying my own home for years. Saving money and budgeting, and now finally..."

I found myself growing emotional for her.

"I'm throwing you a welcome home party!" Tatyana cried, hugging her friend closer to her.

It was now time for us to make our order. I decided to get a LA Cafe Burger with fries. Leandra ordered a veggie burger, as Tatyana got a crispy chicken sandwich with fries, and Malaysia decided to get herself a king double burger with fries. We handed the server our menus as we continued talking about Malaysia's huge accomplishment.


As time flew by, I ordered a to-go plate and got a burger for Terrell after I insisted on paying for my food. Though Malaysia didn't want me to pay for my food, she let me and told me that she would pay for me our next time out together. As we left the restaurant, I hugged and waved bye to the girls and I was mighty surprised that Leandra could keep it cordial between us.

Tonight proved that we could co-exist but that didn't mean that we needed to be friends and I was okay with that. Tomorrow was a brand new day and if she wanted to go back to disliking each other, I was all for that too.

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