Chapter 17: [Shall I kiss it better?]

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Song: can't help falling in Love.
A phone was ringing somewhere. I groggily opened my eyes and realised that my head wasn't on a pillow. It was, in fact, on a shoulder. I straightened up to see Tyler sprawled, fast asleep, on a blanket in front of the couch. And Blake, too, asleep on the couch beside me. The end credits of a movie were playing on the TV screen. I grabbed the remote and switched it off and checked the time, it was 8 a.m.

"Blake!" I whisper shouted while shaking his shoulders.

He woke up, startled.

"Yeah?" He said rubbing his eyes.

"Your phone's ringing." I informed him.

He sat straight, confused, and reached for his phone. Upon looking at the caller's name, his eyebrows furrowed. He excused himself, walked towards his room and closed the door behind.

I got up too and walked towards Ty's bathroom to freshen up. Afterwards, I decided to wake Tyler up.

"Wake up sleepy head!" I shouted while shaking him.

He groaned.

"Why'd you have to wake me up and ruin my dream about-" He stopped.

"About?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows.

He blushed and shook his head.

"Is Blake up?" He asked.

"Yeah, he went to his room to attend a phone call." I said.

"Okay. I'll go freshen up and then we'll go eat pancakes at my favourite coffee shop." He announced and sped towards his room.

It was way too early to be this happy but here was Tyler cheery as hell even when I woke him up from his "sweet dreams".

A sharp sound of glass being broken pulled me out of my reverie and my heart beat sped several notches when I realized it was coming from Blake's room.

I sprinted towards his room and knocked. When he didn't answer, I let myself in. He was sitting on the carpet, breathing heavily while his right hand was bleeding and there were shards of broken mirror surrounding him.

"Blake!" I exclaimed and rushed towards him.

"I'm fine." He exhaled.

"Can you please get away from the broken glass?" I requested.

At the same time, Tyler came in too.

"I thought I heard something break. Are you al-" he stopped when his eyes fell on Blake. His eyes widened just for a second before he composed himself and rushed towards us.

"Can you take him to his bed while I bring the first aid box?" He asked me.

I nodded and tugged at Blake's arm.

"Hey! Come on." He met my worried eyes with his bloodshot ones and I sucked in a breath.

"Please." I whispered.

He let me take him to his bed and sat on it. Ty came with the first aid box too.

"I'm not good at this." He stated.

"I am." I said and started attending to Blake's injured hand tenderly. He didn't flinch once, even when I applied the antiseptic oil. Something was seriously wrong.

Once Blake's hand was all patched up, Tyler cleared his throat.

"Will you tell us what's wrong now?" Ty asked.

"They're separating." He spoke after what felt like an eternity.


Though, Tyler seemed to know exactly what Blake was talking about.

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