Chapter 16: [surprise!]

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Song: heaven by Troye Sivan
I was at my locker putting in books that I didn't need for my first few classes when cold lanky fingers covered my eyes and warm air blew on my left ear.

"Hey princess." The person whispered.

"Tyler!" I called excitedly while prying his hands off my eyes and turning to face him.

He chuckled and engulfed me in a bear hug.

"You came early?" I stated more than asked.

"Surprise?" He said.

"Hey! I'm here too" Blake pouted.

"Oh hey! Do I know you?" I joked.

"Ouch!" He gasped placing a hand over his heart.

"Shut up!" I said lightly and closed my locker.

"So, you had fun?" I asked Tyler as we walked towards our Biology class.

"Not really, my family can be overwhelming sometimes. Besides, I missed you guys." Tyler answered.

"Wow so cute." Blake said in a girly accent and pretended to dry his tears with the back of his hand.

They started to bicker back and forth but I tuned out of their conversation.

Today will be a good day to sleep through classes. I thought.

- - - - -

"FriYAY!" Tyler exclaimed, "who's up for a sleepover?"

It was finally Friday and we were walking towards the school's parking lot, relishing  in our freedom from the jail that forces us to study things that we will never be using in real life.

"Hmm..." I tapped my chin pretending to think about his proposal, "let's see, do we get to paint each others nails and eat a lot of ice cream?", I asked half joking.

"Well duh!" Tyler replied almost immediately.

"No no no no. No painting nails." Blake shook his head with a horrified expression.

"Aww Blakey, you're no fun." I said ruffling his jet black hair and making them messier then before. "Don't worry, I'll paint your nails white. That way, you can match your room."

"Ha. Ha." He made a poker face as he unlocked his car and got in.

"Bye! See you at Blake's." Ty said and walked towards his car.

"Bye!" I said and got in the passenger seat of Blake's car.

We drove in silence for a while but Blake broke it by chucking lightly.

"What's so funny?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows.

"You know, Ty Ty has a new crush." He chuckled.

"Really? Who is it?" I asked.

"There was this boy in the park the other day, he was painting something on a canvas. And Tyler couldn't help but "admire" his "talent"." He said making air quotation marks with one hand while the other one was on the steering wheel.

"Cute." I said, "Do you have a crush?"

He momentarily glanced at me and then turned his attention back on the road before blushing?

"Maybe." He answered.

I chuckled at his flushed state.

Sometimes he was way too cute for his own good.

The car screeched to a halt and I realised we were already outside the apartment complex. Wow, that was fast. Ty was already there, getting out of his car. We got out and joined him.

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