Chapter 34- Accidents happen

Start from the beginning

The night went well. Sam had a small terror but Fabio did nothing. Let her try to work threw it. It only lasted a few minutes but she was still struggling physically. When he knew it was over for good he picked her up and carried her to Will. Fabio knew he was awake because he saw him sit up. Will held her in his lap for a bit then laid her down next to him pulling her close and held her there.

Sam woke up in there bed and it felt great. To have Will behind her. Knowing that if she wanted she could pull down the back of her shorts and the front of his pants and slide him into her. So she did. Inch by inch. She knew he was awake and just letting her do her thing by the way his fingers were tugging her nipples. She begged him to pull harder. Let out the inner beast. He told her shush. Fabio was in the room so she did but he started moving inside of her and it felt divine making it hard for her to not do make noises. She could not take it any more. She got out of bed and pulled him with her to the shower. By the time she got it turned on and warm he had them both naked and her against the shower wall her. Her legs wrapped around him tight, his cock pistoning in and out of her at a rapid pace. Her walls tightening around him at the same pace strangling him. Encouraging him to cum quicker. He started rubbing her clit making her ride him just as much as he was her. He loved how she took what she wanted from him. It was the same way she was with Eden. How she did not seem to prefer either gender. It all depended on her mood he did notice. She went to Eden for snuggles more and went to him for the rougher stuff. Not that he was rough with her there was an edge to there love making, even then in the shower her had her against the wall, pushing himself roughly into her. Her pussy taking ever inch that he offered him and then some. She tugged at his hair and bit his neck. There orgasm's there eminent. Just over the horizon. Eden joining them in the shower helped. She took over Sam's clit and Sam took over her mouth demanding from her what Will was demanding from Sam. An orgasm.

When Will got his way and all of them had been sated for the most part, they got dressed for the day and Fabio took Sam to go see Melody while Will drove Eden to her physical therapist. Then to the doctors for a final check up on her belly. The would not know for a few months if she would be OK to carry children or not but they were all praying.

Afterwards they met up for lunch at a small diner where they talked about what happened. Eden proudly telling them that the doctor gave her another week before she could resume activities. She also got the shot so there would be no children by accident. She could still get pregnant had she not got it. Just may not be able to carry the child to term. Sam hugged her closer wanting to take away all the fear she had about it. That she could carry children for them both. She could share her's with her. They would be all of there's. After lunch they decided to do some grocery shopping. Fabio had to leave in a few days for a job. If need be Mal could come but Sam put the brakes on that quick. She just assumed have Will tie her up. Will winked at her and told her that could be arraigned. She told him later maybe. They all laughed. Fabio informed them that if they were going to play those games he was sleeping downstairs because being woken up by a moaning Sam was not something he enjoyed. As much as he loved her he did not want to hear them "banging" as he put it. She blushed and then shrugged her shoulders.

Dinner that night was them each making there signature dish. Eden make sausage with peppers and onions on a crusty roll, Will made them meatballs in pineapple sauce, Fabio made pasta carbonara and Sam made cream puffs with fresh pastry cream and chocolate glaze. It was a feast that they enjoyed on the couch. Where they watched ink master.

Bed time was the same as last night. Snuggles in bed, even for Fabio. Then Sam scampered off to her corner. To talk shit with Fabio before nodding off. She loved face timing with him and his man. Telling his man that she was laying there while Fabio was half naked. It made them all smile. Fabio always had his arm around her making her feel safe. It was like a hug from a big brother she never got to have. He was family. She knew him and Harmony would be her best men errr people at her wedding someday. She fell asleep imaging it.

The next few days flew by and before they knew it Fabio was leaving. Sam tried to hold in her tears. This man had seen her at her worst and still loved her. She hugged him tight made him promise to call her at bed time. This would be her first night alone and it scared her something wicked. All the what if's consuming her till she had a panic attack and Will had to get her medication. She took it then laid down in her bed. Knowing that she needed some space to figure it all out in her own mind. After a few hour nap she felt better but was still restless so she decided to go for a swim. Then made dinner for them all. Well made was a lie. She threw pizza in the oven. They ate it in bed just relaxing.

Eden got up and came back with a book. She got back in between them and opened the book. It was a baby book. One she had made for Gabriel. In it were all kinds of things. She explained and pointed to them one by one. Sam pointed to a picture and asked who it was? The woman had long blonde hair but looked similar to Eden. Except for the tattoos. this woman's arms did not have them. She was holding a tiny baby In her arms.

"That was me. An hour after giving birth to my angel." Eden told them tears in her eyes.

"Wait that's you? Your hair? Your arms?" Sam asked taking her hand into hers and kissing the knuckles.

"Yeah I'm a blonde. I dye my hair to protect me. I guess I don't have to do that anymore huh?"

"You can if you want Love. Were not with you for your hair color. Were with you because we love you. If you want to go back blonde then do so. Hell if you want to go blue do it. I love you for you." Will told her kissing her cheek.

"I don't know. I feel like her and I are two different people. She was outgoing and free and young and jaded. I know the world is a dark place with people in it that hurt others because they can. I think I need to take time. As for my ink. I umm started cutting after Gabriel was murdered. Dev started to tattoo me instead of me cutting. There were many nights when I would wake him up needing to cut but knowing I promised I would not and he would get set up and work on me till I no longer felt the urge. My arms were done over about four months. By the time they were done I no longer felt the need to harm myself. I owe him. I only left one scare uncovered. If you look at my left wrist you can see it." Eden told them proudly showing them her scar. It was about two inches long and thin. It was a testament to her over coming her demons in a way that was not self destructive.

"Dev is a smart man. I think your arms are amazing. I love how they flow. Like you were born with them. There you Eden. Just as much a part of you as mine are a part of me. No matter what you choose were here for you. I like both you's. The woman in the picture is cute but she is not Eden. By the looks of things she is Erica. If you want to go back to Erica that's fine too."

"Erica is dead. She died the day Gabriel died. I like being Eden. Especially when I'm with you two. As for my hair. I don't know. Time will tell I suppose. Now lets put this up and do something a bit for fun. Like each other." Eden told. Will put the book on the night stand and then gave her exactly what she asked for. A few times. They all fell asleep in bed but were woken by a yell.

"What the fuck! Are you OK Eden?" Sam asked her as she shot up in bed. In there bed. Eden was holding her face and there was blood dripping down her chin.

"I think so. I need to go into the bathroom." Will carried her and sat her down on the toilet. When she moved her hand Sam lost it. She knew what had happened. She had hit her in her sleep. Her nose was bleeding and she had a fat lip.

"You need to take her to the ER. Will. I fucking broke her god damn nose." Sam said storming off.

How the hell was this going to work. She was supposed to be in her own bed but had fell asleep next to them and now she hurt Eden. The one thing she was afraid of doing. She hit her good. After Sam heard the car leave she got on her lap top and bought her ticket. Then packed what she would need. She left the wedding bands on the kitchen table holding down a note. Then grabbed the keys to Will's truck and made her way to the airport. She had an hour before her first flight. She sent texts to Eden and Will then shut down her phone. She did the one thing she could never forgive herself for. She hurt her Eden. She was no better then Templeton. 

Simply Sam-Book Two in Montana Moments series.Where stories live. Discover now