Chapter 29-Apart is best

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"So what brings you here?" Melody asked.

"Will do you want to tell her. I don't remember really" Grant said honestly. It scared her a lot to not know.

"The night before last Eden, our girlfriend woke me up to tell me that there was something wrong with Sam, She was sitting in a rocker and just sorta spacing off. She did not respond to Eden but did to me after five times of saying her name. She was sorta like out of it. Looking threw me not at me. I got her into a shower with Eden and I and got her medications and had her eat something. She then slept till about five. Then last night I was woke up by our friend Fabio who fell asleep in our bed. Sam had punched him in the face and nailed him in the balls and was yelling and thrashing. He held her hand and I was able to pull her out of it after a good twenty minutes. She calmed down and fell asleep. I doubt she remembers it. Again she was like out of it." Bull told Melody.

"Wait what? I hit Fabio? Really? Omg I'm sooo sorry. I did not mean it. I love him. He is my best friend. Were sorta like gay pals. I feel so dumb. I'm sorry Will" Grant said putting her head into her hands and started crying.

"Don't be babe. You did not mean to do it. He is not mad. He loves you. He knows your having some sort of issue." Bull told her stroking her face.

"OK I'm confused. You said Eden is your girlfriend. Who is Fabio and what relationship do you two have?" Melody asked totally confused.

"OK Fabio is gay, he is Will's business partner and my best friend well next to Harmony. She is my main bitch, Eden Is William and I's Girlfriend. William is my man, Edens man too. The three of us, as in Eden, Will and I are a trio or throuple. Were in a three way relationship.
Fabio fell asleep with us last night because he is harmless and I adore him. Every woman needs a gay bestie. He is mine." Grant told her. Not giving a shit if she was OK with it. If not she was going to get up and leave.

"OK I get that. I need to ask you some questions. Some of them may be personal. So its up to you if Will stays or not"

"He stays. I hide nothing. That's the only way the three of us can work if were honest with each other." Grant said proudly.

"OK I notice on your paperwork you checked yes for being in the military, can you explain"

"Yes mam. At eighteen I joined the Marine Corp. I was sent to basic training a week later. I had done rotc is high school so I got to bypass certain things. After basic I wanted to work my way up to sniper school but I was informed that because I have breasts and a vagina that I was not allowed to. Go figured having boobs made me not able to pull a trigger. What a crock of bull shit. Honestly I was a woman in a mans world at least that's how I felt when I heard the news. After that I did the next best thing. What I am not at liberty to say. I can say I did six tours in the middle east. I have seen war. I have been in combat zones. I have seen my brothers blood spilled."

"I understand. Tell me about the recent event that put you in the hospital"

Grant looked down and Bull. She started playing with his hair but it was making her lean forward so bull grabbed a foot stool and sat on that.

"You don't mind do you? My chest is starting to feel pressure" Grant asked the doctor. She needed him close to her.

"Now pressure do you mean from your injury or from something else. Is your heart racing? Do you feel like the world is suddenly small."

"yeah, sorta."

"OK, Get comfortable. In this office nothing you say or do with in reason is a problem. I like his hair too. So I imagine its a comfort thing"

Grant started to talk. " So we were taking turns keeping an eye out for Eden's crazy ex. He showed up but I did not know. She did not even recognize him. When I realized something was off I went into the room and he shot me in the chest. I went down and don't remember much after that. He shot her twice before her brother exploded his head like a watermelon. She is OK sorta. I'm alive"

Simply Sam-Book Two in Montana Moments series.Where stories live. Discover now