Chapter 33-I'm just that into her

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They made there way to the truck. He lifted her into it knowing she was tired. When he got in she leaned into him and rested her head on his shoulder closing her eyes. He buckled her in then started the truck and headed back the way they came. He took the same driveway to his home but at the fork he went left. Taking a rougher track trying to not hit the bumps hard because he knew it hurt Sam. When he got to the end of the driveway he turned to wake Sam up but instead he unbuckled her and scooted her towards the edge of the seat then picked her up and carried her into the glowing building. He sat her down on the bed, then removed her shoes. He carried in everything else from the truck and messaged Eden to let her know what was going on. After removing his own clothes he gently removed Sam's and then laid down next to covering them with a thick blanket. He pulled her back into him and fell asleep.

Sam woke up not knowing where she was. She looked around and all she saw was large windows, floor to ceiling, even the roof was large windows. Next to her Will slept soundly. Naked as was she. She started to trace designs on his chest with her finger then her tongue. This man was her nirvana.

She could tell he started to wake up when his cock started to grow against her belly. His breaths started to come faster, his lips parting, his tongue licking them. His hands pulling her on top of him. One leg on each side of his waist. His hands reaching for her hips. Her hands going to his chest.

"What do you think your doing?" He asked with a grin.

"Touching whats mine!" Sam told him confidently as she rubbed herself against him.

"Your playing with fire love. I'm warning you now!"

"hmm really? Sounds like an idle threat to me" she said as she rubbed what was soft against what was hard.

"Don't mess with the beast" He told her pounding his chest, a smile in his eyes.

"Maybe what I want in the beast? Maybe I want him to come out and play" She told him biting his neck.

"Be careful of what you wish for love"

"yeah yeah yeah, now feed me beast. I'm starving." she told him getting off him after rubbing on him a few more times.

"Honey I got what you need right here" He told her stroking his cock.

"Sorry babe my mom always told me to chew my steak well. Don't want to choke now" She told him with a wink.

"Point taken. Food then dessert." He told her reaching out and smacking her ass. He got up and put on his boxers and handed her one of the t shirts out of the bag Eden packed.

"How does roasted chicken sound? With new potatoes and glazed carrots? With some bacon wrapped shrimp and na beer" He asked her as he opened the small oven. The kitchen was tiny but this place was not meant for cooking it was meant to see the stars . It was something he had built when he bought the property. Just one large room with a partial partition for the bathroom. All that could be windows was. He pulled out two covered plates and sat them on a white table cloth covered table that held a small bowl with floating candles and roses in it. He lit the candles and pulled out the chair for her. Once seated he uncovered there dinner and sat the covers on the counter behind him. He grabbed a few cans of beer from the tiny fridge to his right and poured them into mugs form the tiny freezer.

"This looks amazing but I would rather eat it from your lap honestly" Sam told him. She craved the feeling of him against her. He stood up and pushed the table back then moved his chair so his side was to it, sat down and held out his hand. She took it and sat down on his lap. One leg on each side of his.

"is this what you wanted love?"

"It is. I have missed having you close to me at night. So much. Tonight is going to be heaven for me" she told him as she fed him a piece of chicken off her fork.

Simply Sam-Book Two in Montana Moments series.Where stories live. Discover now