Chapter 3- Accepting her fate.

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So this book may seem like the main person is Eden but well its not. They sorta share the main part. Sam's stuff shows up next chapter. Thanks for hanging with me. Love you all. 

"I am going to tell you both something, Its hard. Please don't talk. Just listen. I know I cant say it more then once. Dev, speak up if I mess something up. Some of it is fuzzy. I need not say this is all a secret and you will understand why." Eden whispered getting louder as she went 

" So when I was 19 I met this guy by the name of Chris Templeton. I met him at a bar. I was there picking up some food. We exchanged numbers and before long we were dating. We dated for about ohh ten months" she said as she closed her eyes to think. " when he asked me to marry him. I had held him off of sex till I got the ring thinking we were going to get married. I ended up pregnant and I found out that was because he had messed with my birth control pills. When I found out about the pills I confronted him and he admitted it. I only found out because when I went to throw them out the case fell apart and I seen the back of the package. It was messed with. He told me he wanted me to have his baby. I was not mad about the pregnancy but soon shit went south with him. He began to tell me where I could and could not go. Who I could see. He destroyed my clothes. My pictures of my family. He screened my calls. When I tried to leave him he beat the shit out of me. I almost lost the baby." Eden chokes out as she rubs her flat tummy .

" He took me to a cabin in the middle of winter and took my coat and shoes. Essentially holding me hostage. I had no way to get out. Thank god he did not hurt me but I had no one but him. He kept me there till I was almost seven months pregnant. No one was looking for me because he used my phone to text people. He was a psycho but not dumb. When we got back to his apartment I knew I had to get away. I put something in his drink and he want to sleep and I slipped out. I got a hold of Dev. We went to the police but it turns out it was his word against mine. He had pictures of us and what not. I did get a order of protection but that was a crock of shit. A week later I was walking out Dev's front door to go to a appointment and he ran me over with his truck. I went in to labor due to the trauma. I delivered my baby boy a few hours later. He lived two days. His skull was crushed but the fucker got off. He got five years in prison for killing my son. My angel Gabriel Devlin. I lost my shit. That's all he got. That's fucking it." Eden stands up and stomps her feet. Raising her fist to hit something or someone. 

"I know he is going to be looking for me. He told me he would kill me and I think he is going to. So now you see why I cant get close to either of you. I cant allow you to love me because I know I don't have long to live. He will take me out and the only reason I can smile is knowing that I will be with my son. We will be reunited. In heaven. He was perfect. Blond hair. Chubby. I had him cremated. So when I am taken,  we can be buried together." She looks at the floor afraid to look at the small group of people. The only ones she has now.

" I have accepted my fate. The law has not done shit. Yes I have a life long order of protection but we know how that ended. It ended with my son being murdered and no one getting justice for him. My only hope is that I take him out at the same time he takes me out." Eden holds her head high with those words. Conviction and hatred in her voice. Her shoulders back.

"Eden, he is out. I got the email yesterday morning" Dev told her. Hating the fact the he knew she was going to do one of two things. Freak our or become silent.

"I know Dev. I got the same one. You remember I am the victim. I have accepted it. I cant win. The law is always on his side it seems" Eden told her brother. Bowing her head. Accepting her fate.

Grant stood up and reaches for Eden. Once she was in arms reach she picked her up and put her on her lap. Putting her hand under her chin so they were looking at each other. "Princess that motherfucker is a pussy. He is nothing. He cant get you. If for some reason he shows his face in town we will know. Bull does Eden know what your company does? That should make her feel safer and fuck she is surrounded by people proficient in keeping people safe." Grant told her. Kissing her nose and holding her tight as Eden cried.

Bull moved his chair closer to them. Pulling Edens hands into his. "My Doll, your safe here. I am a partner in the number one security company in the good ole u s of a. I can have men here in a matter of hours. I am never without my side arm and from now on neither will you be with out Grant or I. She carries too. Hell she is a better shot then me. As for not letting us get close and you giving up. Please don't. I know you want to be with your son and you will be someday I don't want you to go anytime soon. You have a life to live. A full one. You have friends. You have Dev. You have the shop. Please don't give up. Don't let him take you too. Please. I'm begging you. If you don't feel safe here. Tell me where in the world you will feel safe and ill have the plane ready. Hell the four of us can go. Anywhere Doll. Just tell me." Bull pleaded with her. He cant stand this. That motherfucker was dead. He was going to be the one to pop a bullet in his head and smile doing it. He did not care that Eden could not stand to touch him. It was not about that. It was about making her whole again. Or as whole as she would ever feel.

"Bull, I wont feel safe anywhere. I will never feel safe. That is why I have accepted my fate. He will kill me. Your right I don't want to be with Gabriel just yet but I know that is where Chris is going to put me. I want to just live until he finds me and then not. So can we be done with this? I want a beer and some ice cream. Please." Eden pleaded. Instead of answering her he got up and got them all a fresh round and handed her the pint of death by chocolate. Grant may not be much of a woman in the normal sense but she still craved chocolate like most. They sat there in silence as Eden fed the three of them ice cream knowing Dev would never want to share the spoon. It felt good to Eden just to be. Sitting on Grants lap while feeding Bull spoons of the rich ice cream. Sharing with Grant too. When the ice cream was gone Eden started to yawn.

Simply Sam-Book Two in Montana Moments series.Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя