11. A Promise to the Dead

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"It is never a weak thing to be kind and gentle. In fact it takes strength to carry this yoke and wisdom to have compassion for those who do not" 

 In fact it takes strength to carry this yoke and wisdom to have compassion for those who do not" 

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James and Harper was sitting at the kitchen table with Melissa. They all three was sitting in silence waiting for Scott to come home.

The front door opened and Scott walked quietly in, but he froze when he saw, his mom and his siblings in the kitchen.

"Hey, sorry I'm back so late. I was closing up the Animal Clinic. I got more hours to earn a little extra..." Scott said but stopped when he saw a open gym bag filled with money laying on the table. 

"Money" he finished before he looked over at James and Harper "Sorry, Scotty" Harper said "She found in it your room" James said.

Melissa turned to look at Scott "How much more did you need?" she asked and Scott stepped closer to her "This is payment from the dead pool" James said "I found it in Garrett's locker" Scott said "This belongs to Derek? So you're just, uh, keeping it safe for him in a gym bad underneath your bed? How long have you had it?" Melissa asked "Too long" Scott said "You three knows that you have to give it back" Melissa said "We were going to" Scott said "Do I want to know why you guys haven't?" Melissa asked "Because of you" Scott said "Me?" Melissa asked and sighed "You mean because we've been struggling a little?" she asked "Mom, we're struggling a lot" Scott said "He is right?" Harper said "Yeah, we are struggling too" James said "Kids...You can save people's lives, but you cannot save them from life. Life is full of struggles" Melissa said "But it doesn't have to be" Scott said "Honey..." Melissa said, but Scott cut her off when he lifted up one of the money rolls "Do you know what just one of these can do? This gets us a new roof" he said and Harper then picked up another "And this pays for Stiles' MRI" she said and Scott picked up another "This pays for Eichen House" Scott said and James picked up a money rolls "And this one means you don't have to work the double shift at the hospital and come home totally exhausted" he said and Melissa smiled a bit, she then picked up one of the money rolls "What about this one?" she asked, Scott took it from her and saw that it had some blood on it. 

Scott then looked at his mom and nodded


It was early morning when Harper arrived at Stiles' house. She knocked on the door and Stilinski opened "Hello Harper" he said with a smile "Hello, Mr. Stilinski" she said "Come in" Stilinski said and Harper stepped inside before Stilinski closed the door "Is Stiles up?" she asked "No. He is still sleeping, I have try to wake him, but he is fast asleep. I'm leaving now. But you can try to wake him, good luck" Stilinski said and left the house.

Harper walked up to Stiles' room and saw that he was laying in bed.

She walked over to his bed "Stiles" she said, but he didn't react, he just continued snoring "Stiles!" Harper said again "Hmm" Stiles said, still with his eyes close "Wake up sleep beauty. You've got an early morning practice for the big game tomorrow, remember?" she asked "All right" Stiles said, but still with his eyes closed.

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