Chapter 19

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Izuku's POV~

I looked back at Shoto, my eyes widened from Touya's words. "Sh-sho?" I asked, not knowing if I could believe what his brother was saying. He couldn't have possible... loved me? Right?

"Leave him out of this." Shoto said to his brother, completely ignoring my sort of question.

"Told you." Touya said with a smirk, before turning to hoodie.

Shoto grabbed my hand through the bars, holding onto me tightly. That's when I noticed something. His hand was cold. His left hand was cold.

What happened to his quirk?

I tried to activate mine, but nothing happened. I was really starting to panic now. What's wrong with our quirks?

"Well then, grab the little Angel." Hoodie said with a smirk.

Just like before, it felt like the ground had fallen out from under me. I tried to hold on, but neither Shoto or I were expecting it to happen, so our hands slipped away from each other. I landed with a thud right in front of Touya.

"Izuku!" I heard Sho yell, but my back was facing him. Before I could turn around, I was picked up by the front of my shirt.

"Jesus, how young is this kid?" Touya asked, looking me up and down as I tried to get out of his grip, but without my quirk, it didn't look promising.

"I'm fifteen!" I said still squirming around. Even if I couldn't get away, I'd make it as difficult and annoying for him as possible.

"Seriously? You're so small." He pointed out, oh-so helpfully.

"I'm not that short asshole." I growled at him, getting an idea.

"For an Angel, you've sure got a foul mou- Fucking hell!" He shouted, dropping me and bending over to cover where I just kicked him, right where the sun don't shine.

Yeah, that was where my plan ended. I didn't have any clue on what to do after that, but I didn't have time to even think about it. The ground dropped again, and this time I was thrown right at hoodie's feet.

He picked me up by my throat, but I noticed he wasn't using all five of his fingers.

"I'd be very carefully with you next move. If my pinky touches your neck, it's gone in seconds." He said, using his other hand to touch a book that was lying behind him. It disintegrated in seconds.

My eyes widened in fear. His faced morphed into a smirk as he saw my blatant terror.

"Leave him alone!" Shoto yelled from behind us. He sounded pissed, but he was also terrified. His fear just made mine more intense. I knew it had to be bad if Shoto was scared.

"Shut it, or it'll be worse for him." Hoodie said to him over my shoulder. Shoto was silent after that.

"Dabi, get over yourself and do your job." Hoodie said, throwing me onto the floor, in front of Touya again.

"Fuck you." He said with a groan as he stood up straight and glared at me. "Bad move shorty." He said, his right hand igniting into flames.

I scooted back, trying to get away from him, but not having anywhere to go. My back hit the cells behind me and I felt Shoto's arms grab me. "Leave. him. the. fuck. alone." He sneered from behind me as I clung to his arm through the bars.

Touya or Dabi or whatever he was named at this point, grabbed onto my ankle and pulled me out of Shoto's grasp. Shoto tried to keep his hold on me, which I appreciated, but it just made it hurt worse.

"You're terrible at your job." Hoodie commented, not moving or doing anything to try and help.

"If this fucker values his life, he'll stay still." Touya said, his hand on fire again, but now just a few inches from my face. I froze instantly, the heat it was emitting was almost unbearable.

"Good boy." He said with a smirk, leading me further from Shoto.

I was roughly turned around so I was facing the duel haired boy, as Touya tied up my hands behind my back, restricting my movement.

That was the first time I was able to get a good look at Shoto's face. His jaw was clenched and his knuckles were white as they gripped onto the bars. Everything about him indicated that he was pissed, except for his eyes. They showed his fear. I could only hope that none of the rogues could see past his poker face.

"Shoto, you're well aware of my quirk, correct?" Touya asked, moving to stand next to me rather than behind me. He was igniting and putting out his fingers, one at a time, as he talked.

Shoto didn't respond.

"I'd be careful with that attitude brother." He said, holding fire dangerously close to the side of my head. I was surprised my hair didn't start on fire.

"Yes, I know about your damn quirk." Shoto shouted.

Touya, satisfied with the answer, moved his hand. "Then you understand what absolute torture this tiny little Angel will go through if you don't cooperate, yes?"

Shoto didn't verbally respond, but he nodded his head once. It seemed good enough for Touya, because he didn't threaten me again.

"Great, now Shoto Todoroki, we're going to need you two on our side." Hoodie said. He seemed to be the leader of whatever this is.

"You heard Izuku earlier, we aren't interested." Shoto said through gritted teeth.

Hoodie just nodded at Touya. He lit his hand back up, but unlike the other times when he'd just threaten to burn me, he didn't hesitate to place his hand right against my chest.

The pain was excruciating. I couldn't help the ear splitting scream that left my lips. My whole chest felt like it was being melted away. Even if his hand was only there for seconds, the pain didn't leave.

"Izuku!" I heard Shoto scream, but my vision cloudy and my hearing was fuzzy. I could concentrate on anything but the burn. The pain.

It was so bad, I passed out seconds later.

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