Chapter 8

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Izuku's POV~

The phone started to dial, waiting for the other party to pick up. I was starting to breath heavier than normal, almost as if I had just gotten back from a run. The crippling anxiety had set in before I had even grabbed Sho's phone, but it just seemed to intensify as time went on. I didn't even know it was possible to be this terrified, and trust me, I've been plenty scared in my life.

"Who the fuck is this?" Kacchan said as soon as he answered, just as lovely as ever.

I took a deep breath, trying to psych myself up for what I was about to do. I tried to remember every time he'd been an absolute jerk to me. I tried to make myself believe that he deserved to be yelled at, to be held responsible for everything he's done to not only me, but others as well.

"Well? Who the fuck is the extra that called me? Do you want to fucking die today?" He asked impatient for my response.

I let out my shaky breath and hung up. I couldn't do it. Kacchan may be a dick, to literally everyone, but he's changed. He's still a dick, sure, but he isn't evil. He never was. He was a little kid with a whole lot of problems and no way to deal with them. He did the only thing his tiny brain thought of, and it was taking it out on others. It definitely wasn't the best option, but compared to what some of the other Demon Halves do, that's a freaking cake walk. He wasn't a nice person back then, but he's learning. He's maturing. I can't just flip out on him now and risk back tracking all of his progress.

"What the hell? Why didn't you do the dare?" Sho asked me. I could tell by his voice that he was mad.

"I couldn't do it. Remember what I said about not stooping to his level? Well I really believe in that. Just because someone is rude to you, doesn't mean you should be mean back. Besides, he's gotten better since we were in middle school. He doesn't deserve it." I explained, avoiding all eye contact with the ticked boy.

"That's a crap reason, little angel." He said with a huff. He turned away and grabbed his phone again. "I guess now I'm realizing why you're the top Angel Halve in our year." I heard him lightly mumble, more to himself than me. I don't think I was supposed to even hear it.

"Truth or dare?" I asked him, completely dropping the subject and moving on. I was a little worried that he wouldn't want to play anymore, seeing as I chickened out of a dare, but to my surprise he answered me with a bland, "Dare,".

I was once again at a lose for his dare. I wasn't the type of person that just knew how to embarrass a person. I groaned in frustration at not being able to think of a suitable dare. "You should pick truth once in a while." I complained, but got no reply.

Then I was hit with a decent idea. "I dare you to let me go through your phone for five minutes." I said, making him snap his head up to me. He was, of course, scrolling through his phone.

"What? No-"

"Ah, ah, ah, what happened to a dare's a dare and you can't back out?" I asked him smugly.

He scoffed at me, "Oh shut up, you didn't even do your dare."

"That was because you wanted me to yell at someone!" I fired back.

"You just yelled at me!" He didn't shout it, but it was louder than a normal talking voice. Somewhere in between. A half yell maybe?

"I did not yell!" I yelled back, totally defeating the purpose of my statement. He just sent me a 'really?' look, and I shut up.

"Why can't I just look through your phone? Why is it such a big deal?" I asked him, genuinely curious as to why he was so protective of it.

"It's really not, I guess. It's just principal at this point." He said, holding his phone to his chest in a defensive manner. I rolled my eyes at his answer. 'Principal? Really? That's why we fought? Over a stupid principal?'

"Just- here, taking it. But only for five minutes." He said, reluctantly handing me his phone.

I smiled like a little kid on Christmas and immediately grabbed the device, which was already unlocked. I started to look through his apps. Nothing really special. He had Instagram, so I clicked on that. I scrolled through his feed, but it was just a bunch of bands, some that I recognized, but none that I was a huge fan of. I looked up my account and made him follow me, once the time was up I would go and follow him back.

Next I hopped onto his Snapchat. It was even more boring. He had like ten people, only two from our class, Yaoyorozu and Jirou. I didn't know the others. I again, added my own account.

Lastly, I went over to his contacts. He had a few more people in his actual contacts, but Yaoyorozu and Jirou weren't there. Must have just been a Snapchat friendship. I have a lot of those. I scrolled through his recent calls, I was beyond curious to know who I heard him talking to earlier. It was someone labeled 'Fuyumi🤦❤'. I was really hoping it was a sister, and I wasn't sure why. Why should I care if he's seeing someone? Why did that bother me?

I added my number anyways, figuring we would probably need it for this mission. I just put it under 'Midoriya'. If he wanted to change it to something later, he could. I didn't think he would though, he seemed like a 'all work' kind of guy.

"Okay, that was five minutes, hand it over." He said. I handed it back right after hitting the save button on my contact.

"Did you seriously use those five minutes to add yourself on all of my social medias and add your number to my phone?" He asked, scrolling though with an amused look on his face. I happily nodded as I followed him back on Instagram and added him on Snapchat.

I heard him mumble something again, but his time I couldn't make it out.

Shoto's POV~

"Cute..." I mumbled to myself while changing his name in my phone and sending him a blank text so that he'd also have my number.



Little Angel😇~

Hey! Now I have your number too!

'Cute...' I thought.

Horns and Halos (TodoDeku)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن