Our reception was quite sentimental. Happy tears were shed but there was relief in everyone's eyes. I am really excited to be here and attend my cousin's wedding. Daniyal bhai seems quite a nice person and I know we will be good friends in the future.

" Asalam o Alaikum, I am Danisha, its a pleasure meeting you in-person. Dada Jan talks about you none stop. " Danisha greeted us cheerfully and embraced us one by one.

" Walaikum Asalam, its nice meeting you, too. I was excited to see you." Alizey patted her cheeks lovingly and she blushed.

" Me too. " her smile turns into an ear-splitting grin. I was just standing there quietly and smiling formally. Its not hard for me to get along new people but I can't get all jolly at our first meeting.

" Come on, I will show you around. " she grabs our hands and drag us along the passage after her.

" Yeah Kids, go and freshen up we will be waiting for you at the lunch. " Labeena Aunty says and we nodded at her words.

Presently we are walking through the art corridor because I insisted as my eye laid on the first wall painting. There were many paintings and sketches costing millions on the walls of the corridor. I never knew our paternal family was elite like a billionaire. Who am I fooling, they are billionaires!!

" This is so beautiful. " my artistic mind couldn't handle the bubbling happiest and excitement aroused after seeing this heavenly place. " Who loves paintings?  " I couldn't stop myself from asking this question as I gently ran my finger over the glass of the frame.

" It was our grandparents' obsession to collect rare and beautiful paintings. This is all Dada Jan and Bi Jan's collection. Every one is a symbol of love for them." I smiled.

" They love to paint? " Alizey asked.

" Painting was their life. It was like a date for them. They use to paint together a lot." Danisha elaborated. 
" But sadly after Bi Jan's death Dada has stopped painting. " her statement gives my heart a hard blow.

" Didn't someone ask him why? " I inquired. 

" He said the joy is not the same. Now painting doesn't solace his mind but increases the sense of longing and emptiness. He says we need a companion to flourish and enjoy the beauty of life and mine is sleeping under the pile of sand so how can enjoy 'our thing' without her. " she tells sadly as we stared at a photo of two different flowers mingling together until their roots bury inside the ground and followed two separate ways. There was a quotation written under it, I squint my eyes to recognize the words but it was Pashto so I can't read it.

" What is written here? " I pointed. 

" Heaven will be our new home. " Danisha breathed as she traced those words with her fingers. I sighed. I had a havoc of emotions swirling in my chest to storm out.

" It's Dada Jan's favourite painting, Bi Jan made it after Yousuf uncle's ...... death," she said the last words hesitantly. I bit my lips to control my tears.

" It's indeed really beautiful. " I breathed. 

" Its just a glimpse, when you will have a tour around here you will fall in love with this place. "

" Dada Jan is really humble he never shows off that he lives in a mansion neither anyone of them," I said to Alizey.

" He lives here since he was born it nothing new for him to show off it's his home. " Danisha said.

" its like this from the beginning? " I asked her as a painting caught my attention but I thought to give it a thorough look later on.

" No, many innovations are done by Baba Jan and Big B ( Daniyal ), like the helipad and private jet and these paintings and recently some renovation was going on in west wing. "

" Wow! Thats amazing! " I exclaimed.

Alizey's PoV

At night I was lying in my bed writing my diary, my side lamp was on and illuminating the room merely. My phone buzzed. It was a message from Dawood I open the message.

'Haven't heard from you for the whole day, how are you? Even I didn't get a chance to have a word with you, I was quite busy with the preparations for the recent event. If you need anything feel free to ask I will be at your service 😉. I hope you are liking here. Everyone is loving and welcoming. In sha Allah it will be easy for you to get along with them. Have a good sleep I will show you around the farm early in the morning. You will love it.'

'Yeah, you are right, they are really loving and great host.
The dessert was so delicious! I can still feel its heavenly taste in my mouth. I am quite happy here. This place made me nearer to baba. Looking forward to having some time with you. 😊'

I replied to him after reading his message full of concern and care. It sends giddy feelings in my stomach. Oh boy, you don't know what effect you have on me.

That's great, Good night, wifey. Sleep like a baby. Can't wait...❤

Good night :-)

I sighed, Dawood please listen to me carefully before freaking out. I thought.

I have planned to have a talk with him tomorrow about our marriage because if I didn't reveal this to him I will die off anxiety and stress. I know he can handle this matter better than me.

My phone chimed again.

A hot cup of coffee and my company awaits your presence.☕

Can't wait till the morning. I see.😁

Are you coming or I have both of the hot goodness?

You dare to have it and then face the consequences!!

It's getting cold.......


Open the door...

I stared at the screen then look at the door. I can see a silhouette standing outside. I get down from the bed and covered my head loosely in a headscarf. I open the door and the man of my life greeted me with the most beautiful smile, disheveled hair and two cups of coffee.

Have fun, my readers...
I will try to update ASAP

JASMINE ✔️ (Unedited Version)Where stories live. Discover now