Chapter 12 Murder and Love

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After reaching shore, Holly and Harry walked with there arms around each other back towards the castle. As they walked, Fred and George made fun of Harry and is moral fiber, Holly laughing along with the twins. They were suddenly stopped by Bartimus Crouch Sr.

“Congratulations, Miss. Potter, an exceptional achievement. Well done, boy. I'm sorry we haven't spoken, after all, your story is one I've heard many times. Quite remarkable. Tragic, of course, to lose one's family. Never whole again, are we? Still, life goes on. And here we stand. I'm sure your parents would be very proud today, Potter.”

Barty said as he looked between the twins, “If you say so, Mr. Crouch,” Holly said.

Moody approaches them, “Bartimus! Not trying to lure the Potters
into one of the ministry's summer internships, are we? The last boy who went into the department of ministries never came out!”

Barty doesn't answer; he only walks away.

“And they say I'm mad.”

Holly looks at Moody suspiciously. The feeling in her gut about not trusting Moody is even stronger. She only wished that Harry would listen to her.

Later that day, Holly, Harry, and Hermione are walking through the Forbidden Forest with Hagrid, “So I remember, I remember when I first met you all. Biggest bunch of misfits I've ever set eyes on, you lot always reminded me of myself a little. And here we all are, four years later.”

“We're still misfits,” Holly says.

“Maybe. But we've all got each other, and  Holly and Harry of course. And one of you is soon to be the youngest Tri-Wizard champion there's ever been! Hooray!” Hagrid cheers, “By the way, where's Ron?”

“Holly and Ron had a row, and they're staying away from each other for now,” Harry answered.

“About what?”

Holly explained what Ron has been doing lately and that he's been acting like an insensitive git. Hagrid listened and nodded his head, “You're right, Holly, Ron should never have said those things about you and Viktor, he had no right. But are you going to throw away four years of friendship over it?”

Holly paused.

“Just think about it, Holly.”

Holly nods, maybe they could still be friends, but she would never trust him like she once did. Ron was slowly starting to show his true colors. He was jealous and petty, and the boy honestly thought that she and Harry were attention seekers, and they enjoyed their unwarranted fame.

Holly and Harry walked through the forest, singing the Hogwarts song. Holly and Harry suddenly got a shooting pain through their scars. On the ground, they see Barty Crouch laying lifeless. Holly gasps and calls for Hagrid, who rushes over to the twins.

“Oh, Merlin, Mr. Crouch.”

Holly and Harry stare at the body, while Hermione sends up red sparks with her wand to get the attention of the Professors at the castle. Eventually, Dumbledore, Snape, Moody, and McGonagall show up, they demand to know what happened from everyone.

“We don't know what happened, Holly and Harry found Mr. Crouch already dead.”

“And what were you all doing so far from the castle, may I ask,” Snape asked, “That's fifty points each from Gryffindor.”

“Severus, not now. We need to get Barty back to the castle,” Dumbledore said.

Snape scowls at the twins, but he transfigures a stretcher and a sheet to cover Barty's body. As they take the body back to the castle, Holly could swear she saw a smirk on Moody's face.

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