Chapter 9 The Yule Ball

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The next morning at breakfast, Hermione was fuming, as she read the newspaper, “Look at this! I can't believe it. She's done it again.
Miss Granger, a plain but ambitious girl, seems to be developing a taste for famous wizards, was seen cuddling with our beloved Harry Potter before the First Task. While later on, The-Girl-Who-Live was found in the arms of that Bulgarian bon-bon Viktor Krum. Could romance be brewing for these young couples?”

Holly rolled her eyes at Hermione, getting upset over a stupid article, “Hermione, let them think what they want. Skeeter is going to print whatever lies she wants, and there's nothing we can do about it.”

Hermione huffs, “Well, I won't stand for it, and I'm going to find a way to stop her.”

“Good luck to you,” Holly tells her as she takes a drink of her pumpkin juice.

At that moment, Nigel comes over with a package, “Parcel for you, Mr. Weasley.”

“Thank you, Nigel.”

But Nigel stands there gazing at Harry and Holly, “Not now, Nigel, later, go on. I told him I'd get him Harry and Holly's autograph.”

Holly glared at Ron, she slams her cup down and gets up and walks out of the Great Hall.

“What's wrong with her?” Ron asks.

Hermione gives Ron an incredulous look, “Using her fame for your own advantage is not endearing yourself to her, Ronald.”

Ron at least had the tact to blush.

Holly makes her way up to Gryffindor Tower and goes into her dorm. Archimedes looks up from his place on her bed and wags his tail. She smiles at her familiar and scratches him behind the ear, “Come on, boy, let's go down to the lake.”

The arctic fox yips and jumps off her bed. He runs to the door and looks back at Holly to make sure she's following him. Holly laughs and grabs the golden egg. Holly thought that while she was down at the lake, she would try to figure out the clue.

Holly and Archimedes walk out of the castle and head down to the lake; she sits down by the shore and opens the egg again. It begins to screech back, and Holly quickly closes it. She sighs and places the egg next to her. How were they supposed to figure out the clue if all it does is yell?

Holly starts tossing stones into the lake and isn't paying attention to Archimedes, who is walking on a log that is sticking out of the lake. Archimedes yelps when he loses his balance and falls into the lake.


Without thinking, Holly dives into the lake and begins to swim towards the fox. At that moment, Viktor comes out onto the deck of his ship, holding his golden egg. He hears Holly yell for Archimedes, looking over at the lake, Viktor eyes widen when he sees Holly swimming in the freezing water towards the struggling fox.


Viktor jumps off his ship into the water with the egg in his arm. He lets go of the egg and begins to swim towards Holly and Archimedes. Viktor grabs Holly, who has a hold of Archimedes and helps them to shore. Holly pushes Archimedes onto shore then watches as Viktor goes back into the water.

“What are you doing?”

“I dropped the egg, I haff to get it back.”

“Then, I'm going to help you.”

“No, Holly, stay here.”

Viktor dives into the lake, and Holly goes with him. They swim down as far as they can go but can't see the egg. Suddenly a tentacle comes out of the darkness. The giant squid has the eggs in its grasp and hands it to Viktor. When he does, the egg opens, and the egg begins to sing.

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