How could she have forgotten to lock the door?


It couldn't be, "Bakugo..."

His classmate backed to the wall opposing him.

This had to be too good to be true. He was seeing things. Misinterpreting why the explosive blonde was wearing, what had to be, the cutest dress he'd ever seen.

"Get out..." he saw the tear fall, rivering its way down to the pink fabric.

"I like it..." His voice felt like sandpaper. Holding back tears of his own.

"What?" The same hand that was usually tense, and violent shook as it wiped away the liquid.

"I'm a boy." The words left his mouth for the first time to another; it felt right.


Turns out bottling up your feelings isn't a good coping mechanism; when the time comes, the flood gates don't just open - they shatter.

She collapsed, wrapping her arms around her chest, as she buried her head in her knees; and wept 'til her throat burned, and her airways felt clogged, and raw. She hadn't even noticed when her classmate shuffled over, and leaned against her; choking out sobs of his own.


Katsuki's breathing was finally relaxing; both had been sitting in silence for nearly ten minutes now. Ochaco placed a careful hand on his classmates back, fully expecting the blonde to pull away; but no fight ensued.

"You okay?" A mere whisper left his lips, not knowing where to start.

He got a small nod in return.

"Are you..." he couldn't manage to get the rest out. But Katsuki seemed to get the message, as she nodded once more.

"Lock the door..." He almost missed it, she'd said it so small. She sounded broken. It hurt.

"I did, when I came in."

Another minute of silence.

"Why?" she sat up, leaning her head back against the wall to stare at the ceiling. He could see the black streaks staining her face.

"I didn't want anyone to know, so I locked it..."

"No," Her voice was flat, "Why'd you barge in?"

"I..." It was him that wrapped his arms around his chest now, "You don't treat me like they do..."



"What do you mean?" She looked over at him, head turning slightly.

"You know..." He forced the words out, "like, like a weakling."

She was quiet, so he kept going, "They... they talk to me like I'm some frail bird, and you..." a sigh escaped his chest.

"They're sexist idiots."

He looked up to meet her eyes. Those, normally, intense crimson eyes. He couldn't remember a time when they'd looked so empty.

"I know they don't mean it..." he tried to keep his voice steady, "but the shit they say hurts."


"Does... does it get to you too? Or am I just..." He felt the tears begin welling up in his eyes once more, "fucking - shit, stop fucking crying, damnit..." He hurilly wiped his eyes like his life depended on it, only to be frozen to a standstill when he felt Katsuki lean against him, and lay her head on top of his.

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